𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏: 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.

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᭥ ̗̀"A/N: Hello my lovely readers, I'm terribly terribly sorry for keeping you all waiting for so long. Hospitalization is made my entire schedule go haywire. I wasn't able to say much due to well... being in a hospital x)

But thankfully I'm okay and need to just do a lot of resting and healing.
I hope you enjoy this chapter, I'm very sorry for the long wait. Hopefully my body stops being weak so I can actually do the things I love :>

"That's... That's not the case!" You squealed in embarrassment as you turned your head in shame for how both you and your sensitive body reacted towards Longan as your face began to heat up once more.

Longan pulled away from your neck, their pride being expressed by their sinful eyes as they examined the little mark they gave you. Longan did feel a little guilty for doing that, but it seems as though your reaction and acceptance towards their vulgar movement was more then enough to ease their guilt.

"Ah, in a way you are correct I suppose," Longan said as they let go of your body, using their right hand to carefully direct your gaze towards them.

"I should've asked you what you wanted... Perhaps something more gentle and tender? Or did you enjoy how cruelly I treated you?"

You almost completely broke at Longan's words. You couldn't even come up with a tease as your brain solely focused on your little "moment" with the dragon. You gulped nervously as their face almost closed the distance between you two from kissing.

Longan clearly seemed to be enjoying both the flustered and speechless reactions you were giving them.

"Despite my cruel nature, I'm more than happy to oblige with whatever you desire of me. I'm more than happy to oblige to your boundaries and do what you wish. I would do anything to please little weakling, so long as your desires come out of your mouth."

"What do you desire from me?"

Your eyes widened as you felt your breath halt as your entire body, mind, and voice just stopped completely as Longan mentioned your name for the first time. The way they had said your name was gentle and soft with a hidden intent.

"Or would you like me to take the lead instead?" Longan asked, posing their voice innocently as they spoke. They tilted their head as they examined your lips.

Before you could finally muster up the courage to answer Longan, you heard a loud crash of porcelain fall on the floor, causing Longan to distance themselves from you as they took a step back. You both looked at where the sound came from, only to find Lychee in a shocked at the scene while still having their typical snarky smirk.

They knew right then and there they interrupted quite the scene.
Which they unrightfully did.

You laughed nervously before your head tilted downwards in shame and embarrassment as Lychee also mimicked the laughter you gave to them but in a more mocking tone, letting you know that they were defiantly going to have a long talk.

You looked over at Longan who also had a bit of blush on their face, but it quickly faded as they cleared their throat to interrupt the awkward silence.

"Pardon me Lord Longan for... interrupting your... 'fun'... but the great and oh so powerful Lychee would like to discuss with you about how to go through with the plotting of putting the plan in motion."

Lychee spoke with a mocking grin but with a hint of seriousness to their tone this time.

Longan took a deep breath before looking back down at you. Longan carefully traced their sharp finger around your neck all the way up to your chin.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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Favoritism: Longan Dragon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now