࿇𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐱𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮. ࿇

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐱𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮.

(A/N): caution warning, it's angsty and a lil violent 🤭

"Plasma? That's quite an... odd name." Bellflower thought to herself in confusion, still curious about why this cookie had suddenly approached her after you had left after the sun had gone down.

"It's a unique name isn't it?" Plasma chuckled in annoyance.

"Why did you approach me? Are you a cookie who also visits these types of islands?"

"Well... not necessarily. I have erm... have connections with my past ancestors with this land, therefore I visit every couple of years to learn about the ruins left over!" Plasma said, covering his mouth with his right hand as he hid his deceiving smile.

"You remind me of a friend that had a similar reason why they came here! If they were still here, you two would get along just greatly! I sure hope they return!"

"How interesting... if (Y/N) returns during this week, my little plan to make (Y/N) pay for the mess they insinuated will progress faster than I expected. However, patience will be my key to my success-"

"Excuse me? Are... are you alright Plasma?" Bellflower raised her voice slightly.

"Oh, sorry about that! Something must have been wandering in my mind, did you ask me something?"

"Two questions actually! Let's head to the village while we talk so I can introduce you to the others!"

As Bellflower and Plasma began to walk the opposite directions of where they had met, taking occasional lefts and rights, Bellflower had noticed Plasma's left hand side looked unusual. Part of his left side face was pure gray stone, while his lower left side hand was also pure stone, and never even moved a muscle, confirming the stone was in fact real. There were small little cracks in the stone that seemed to show that there was an attempt to get rid of the stone that was now a part of his dough, yet it didn't seem to budge.

"What types of ruins are you referring to? And... What happened to your face and arm?" Bellflower asked, bowing slightly as a sign of apologizing if she may have accidentally offended him for asking such close-minded questions.

Plasma paused, but smirked in his mind, taking note of how caring this... "Bellflower" was towards injuries.

"Since we have gotten to know each other a little, I guess I can tell you how I got my little... stone accident."

"Only if in return, for every day we get to know each other, we will tell each other little secrets. On a certain day, I will ask you a small favor after I show you the ruins of our friendship... evolves," Plasma innocently smiled, hoping that Bellflower would accept this little "innocent" contract.

Bellflower thought for a moment, and smiled with delight as she nodded her head in happiness, and showed her eager eyes to Plasma, to learn about  him.


"My little accident was caused by a cookie... who wielded a special thunder, which seemed to have some type of 'turning into stone' curse attached to it. I was flung due to the impact and it turns out only part of my body was turnt to stone!" Plasma exclaimed.

"But... Did the impact hit your full body? If so... how did-"

"Ah Ah, remember our little deal!~ I will show and tell you more information the more favors we do for each other."

"Oh! Right..."

As they continued to walk, they arrived at the village. Plasma took notice of how less developed the village was both agriculturally and technology-wise.

Favoritism: Longan Dragon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now