Chapter 10

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This party is in less than an hour and I am not close to being ready for it. I slip on my cute floral dress, apply some light make up, and decide on my black pumps. There is knock at my door as I slide into my pumps.

"Come in," I groan. The door opens and Logan leans on the door jam. "Don't sound too excited," he smirks.

"What? You're telling me you actually want to go to this party?" I ask hands on hips. He shrugs.

"I am sure there will be booze there. That's not going to be that bad. Come on, I'll sneak you some and we can make fun of all the northsiders," he smiles.

"Alright, fine," I smile too. I know he's trying to make feel about Killian and I appreciate that. Hopefully this party will take my mind off of everything.

We leave my room and head downstairs to wait for the rest of our family. Aunt Jackie, Uncle James, Tommy and Paul arrive on time. I can tell Tommy's already a little trashed, but he is here on time at least. Now we wait for our parents. Ten minutes pass then twenty and at thirty I glance at Logan.

"What do you think is taking so long?" I whisper. Tommy strides over.

"I have no clue, but I would like to get this over with I have plans tonight," Tommy chimes in.

"What plans? Going to trash another bar?" Logan throws that incident in his face.

"That only happened once thank you very much," Tommy brushes off Logan's rude comment with laughter, "No, I actually have a date tonight. I might slip away from the party," he whispers the last part so only we can hear. Logan ignores him and stands up.

"I am going to go see what is taking so long," he announces and takes the stair two at a time.

"What's got him going?" Tommy asks.

"I don't know. I think the war changed him..." I trial off.

"I have no doubt it did, but he needs to relax," he sighs, "anyway how are you doing?"

"I don't think anyone of us want to go this party," I say looking at us.

"Free booze," Tommy shrugs.

"Now Logan said the same thing, maybe he's looking for a chance to relax," I comment.

"Well your brother is a little uptight all the time. He needs to learn to relax in general," he comments.

"So who's your date tonight?" I ask curious as to who the hell would go out with my cousin. Everyone knows he's a ladies man. He also has a reputation for drinking a little too often.

"Sally Burrows," he says casually.

"What? She said yes to you? No offence, but she's just you know. So innocent. What made her say yes?" I say shocked.

"Rumor has it she has a thing for bad boys we'll find out tonight," he winks.

"Oh my goodness. I don't want to know what happens," I say flustered and Tommy chuckles. Logan treads lightly down the stairs. I walk over to him.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"I'll tell you later," he whispers to me, "James, Father said to go ahead, that we will follow in a few minutes." James nods.

"Alright we'll see you there," Uncle James says confused. Logan nods. They all file out and leave.

"Father and Mother are fighting. In your letters to me you said they were fine. That they had figured everything out," he says as we walk away from the staircase.

"I may have l fudged the truth a little," I say while not making eye contact with him.

"Why?" he asks.

"You were on the front lines and I didn't want to upset you. They did stop arguing for a while, but then," I sigh.

"Then what?" he says through his teeth. "Then they started fighting about you and how Father should've used his connections so you wouldn't have been drafted. He argued it was an honor to have a son fight for our country," I explain. He nods.

"I am home now. What could they be fighting about?" he asks. I shrug. "Your guess is as good as mine," I say. A door slams and our conversation is immediately ended. Hand in hand Father and Mother walk down the steps. Logan raises an eyebrow at me.

"Ready to go?" Mother asks sweetly. I nod with a smile.

We pile in the car with awkward silence. The car ride over is filled with tension. Father and Mother appear happy which is strange. They were fighting no more than ten minutes ago. We arrive at the Jones' and notice the party is in full swing.

"Michael must have invited everyone on the north side," Logan says as we get out the car. Father whispers something to Mother. She turns to us.

"We're going to find your aunt and uncle. You two stay together and find us when you want to leave," Mother says with a smile. Once again hand in hand the head off into a party.

"Okay what's going on?" I ask. Logan just shrugs and begins to walk away from the car. I follow him.

"I don't know. I don't want to know. Look right now all I want is to get drunk and I have a feeling you need it," he says.

"Fine. What do I have to lose?" I ask. We wade into the house filled with people chatting, drinking, and smoking. When we finally reach the bar Logan snags a bottle and two glasses from the bartender. We head out to a back room and begin drinking. By my third glass I am just a tad tipsy. Logan has surpassed me in the amount of drinks he's had.

"You know the only frienddd I made while I was go-go, while I was awayyy died right in front of me?" Logan slurs his words a tid bit. "What? I am so sorry. If I had known," I say and place a hand on his arm. He jerks his arm away. He lights a cigarette and blows out a puff of smoke. I finish the glass I'm on and pour myself another.

"No its fine. You couldn't have knownn. Its just hard you know," he admits. Slowly the cigarette becomes smaller and smaller. No wonder he's so uptight. I pat his arm

"Everything will be alright," I assure him. I take another gulp of my drink.

"You knoww that's not water right?" he says.

"That, my dear brother, would be the poinnt," I am beginning to slur my words.

"Are you sure you don't want me to beat the shit out of Killian?" he asks.

"No, no don't do that its not worth it," I say. I try to stand and fall back in my chair.

"Where are you trying to go?" Logan asks while trying to stifle his laughter.

"The bathroom," I whine. I finally stand and stay standing.

"Are you going to be alright heading to the bathroom on your own?" he asks. I nod. I hug the wall and head down the hallway. I think without it I might fall on my ass. Near the bathroom there two people making out. My goodness that's disgusting. I double take and realize that the man kissing the girl pressed against the wall is Killian. His hands wandering all around her body. Oh god. I am going to hurl. They break apart and he recognizes me. I burst into the bathroom and lock the door behind me. Then I puke my guts out into the toilet. When I finally finish puking I sit on the floor and lean up against the wall. I let the tears fall from my eyes quietly and ignore the pounding at the door.

AHHHH sorry, for the cliff hanger, but also not sorry. ;) As always please comment and vote! xoxoxo

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