Chapter 23

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I take a few steps away from Killian and stare at him in stock. I don't know what to say and even if I did I don't know if I could find my voice right now. I know our lives are unusual, but this takes the cake. My boyfriend's family wants to kidnap me to use me against my family. He steps toward me and places his hands on my shoulders.

"Emma, I did everything I could to stop it. I promise you that. I wasn't my idea I want nothing to do with this. I fought against this. I was- I was just over ruled," he says defeated. I still do not know what to say.

"Please say something," he pleads with me. He searches my eyes for an answer, or a reaction. I pull myself together.

"What am I supposed to do? I can't tell my family about this that would make your family suspicious about an information leak. Am I just supposed to wait for someone to take me? Killian I don't know what to do," I say, starting to get hysterical.

"Love, you just have to be careful. I promise I will do everything in my power to keep you safe," he says sweetly. I step out of his reach.

"Don't make promises you cannot keep," I whisper.

"No harm will come to you that is not their intention. They know that your father loves you dearly and will do whatever it takes for you. If I have anything to do with it they will not hurt a hair on your head," he says keeping his distance.

"So, I should let them take me?" I ask finding this whole situation ridiculous.

"No, that is not what I meant. I was just saying that if something happens I will protect you." I turn away from him and walk to the window. What am I going to do now? Keeping someone with me at all times seems the best option, but how to do so without raising suspicion. Maybe Logan should be brought into this. He could protect me without drawing too much unwanted attention. Killian places a hand on my shoulder.

"Love," he begins, but with the look I give him, he falters.

"I just need some time to process all of this," I murmur. He places a hand on my cheek and kisses my forehead.

"Please don't let this change anything between us. I will always protect you." With that he leaves. I know I should make sure he gets out safely, but I know he will. Not knowing what to do I change and climb into bed. I stare at the ceiling and eventually I fall asleep.

The weekend passes fairly quickly and I don't leave the house once, I am too afraid to leave. Monday morning I bolt out the door and practically run to school. I see no one on the way there. At school I feel safe surrounded by my classmates and teachers. When the bell signals the end of the day I am on edge once again. I link Belle's arm with mine and we walk home. These two blocks from the school have never felt as long as they have right now. They just keep going on and on and on. I finally make it to my house and we part ways. I quickly slip into the house. I set my school bag down in my room and head down to the study. I can't torture myself like this, someone else needs to know. As much as it pains me to say this I need help. I can't keep looking over my shoulder.

In the study the men are hunched over Father's desk once again. I walk over and stand next to Logan. He smiles at me and I give him a weak smile. His brow furrows and shake my head. They are discussing what is most likely to happen next. Everything from bombing Seaside to stopping our shipments. I have sit here and act like I have no clue what is going to happen next. Logan keeps glancing at me, trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong.

After hours of planning and strengthening our defenses we finally break for dinner. Logan and I wait for everyone to leave before turning to me.

"What's going on?" he asks sternly.

"I know what their next move is," I say nervously. Looking around to making sure we are indeed alone.

"You should've said something!" Logan nearly shouts. I cover his mouth with my hand.

"You idiot! If I tell the family what is going to happen then I'll betray Killian," I take my hand away from his mouth, "Understand?" He nods.

"Were you not supposed to tell me?" he asks quietly.

"Well no, yes, um I don't know exactly. The point is only a few on their side even know what is going to happen, so if we change our patterns they will know they have a leak, and it puts him in danger," I explain.

"You know this whole thing would be easier if you weren't dating him," he scolds me. I roll my eyes.

"You haven't even told me what they're planning," he says as he raises an eyebrow.

"The plan is to kidnap me and use me against Father," I say rather quickly.

"What? Killian couldn't stop this?" he asks, infuriated.

"He tired, but was overruled. You know how that is," I say. Logan nods and glances at his watch.

"Look, we're going to be late for dinner. Let's move," he starts walking for the door and I follow him.

"Come to my room after dinner we shall set up a plan," he says. we might just in time for dinner. Both of us earning a stern look from Mother and we both mumble apologies. Tommy is giving us a look too. I choose to ignore it for now.

Once dinner is done we both slip upstairs to devise of a plan. I sit on his bed and Logan begins to pace.

"Alright I'll walk you to and from school. At school and home you'll be safe. Anywhere else you tell me you're leaving ok?" he says and I nod.

"I think that should work. We need a plan for if I do get kidnaped," I propose. This causes him to stop pacing.

"What do you mean?" he asks curious.

"You cannot let father give them what they want. I don't care what it is. There will be no trade for me," I conclude.

"Then how will we get you back," he challenges me.

"I will escape. Find some way out. I don't want any sacrifices made for me," I sigh.

"I'll try and steer Father away from that, but you know how stubborn he is," he warns.

"As long as you try," I compromise, "It's getting late. I am going to head off to bed. I'll see you in the morning," I stand and leave.

The next morning the cool morning air greets us on our walk to the school. With every other step Logan looks around cautiously.

"Logan, relax. You look like you know what is going to happen. Try and act like this is normal," I say through a smile.

"I am trying to protect you my dear sister," he says grimly.

"Appearance is everything. Relax and act like you enjoy this," I advise him. He tentatively takes the advice and his shoulders visibly lose tension. We make it to the school finally and he tells me he'll be here at the bell.

For the next two days we continue this pattern. Father finds it odd, but says nothing. Mother thinks its sweet, but I think that is the pregnancy talking.

 All this waiting for something to happen has me on edge. Nothing is happening and it has me worried. Also I haven't heard from Killian, not that communication between us has ever been easy, but I wish I had a way to talk to him.

That night I finish an essay rather late. Sleepily I get ready for bed and climb into bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow I fall asleep.

I am rudely awoken with a hand over my mouth. My eyes spring open and I am face to face with none other than Liam Jones.

Damn! What do you think will happen next?? As always please comment and vote. xoxoxoxo

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