Chapter 26

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Just as I thought I haven't left the house for three days now. The bruise around my eye has faded, it's still there, but not as noticeable. This morning I march downstairs determined that I will go to school today. I cannot spend another minute in this damn house. I sit down at the breakfast table dressed as I would be for school. Father joins us and we begin.

"Father, can I go back to school today? I feel perfectly fine," I plead with him sweetly.

"Emma we've talked about this you're not leaving the house until all of this is over. I need to protect you," he says calmly.

"Protect me? They took me from my room! I am not safe anywhere," I say exasperated.

"Emma!" Mother scolds and Father just looks heart broken.

"You're not going back to school," Father says once he has gained his resolve again.

"What?" I ask shocked.

"We've hired a private tutor. She'll be here at nine. I expect your best behavior," he warns.

"Wait are we skipping over the fact that I don't get to see my friends or stay at the school that I'm going to graduate from in two months?" I ask still trying to wrap my head around this.

"Belle is welcome at any time and you will graduate. I have made a deal with the school. I told them that you were terribly ill and couldn't leave the house until you were better. When this business is over with the Jones' you'll be able to go back. Is that understood?" He asks staring directly at me. I nod in understanding that I will never change his stubborn mind.

"And you'll behave?" He asks.

"Of course," I mumble irritated by this situation. He weakly smiles, he thinks that I am safe, but I don't feel safe not one bit. Logan nudges me and smiles.

"Oh come on Em it won't be that bad," he teases. I just smile and continue to eat my breakfast. I haven't seen or heard from Killian at all, not that I'm entirely surprised. I did escape and run away. I must have put him in so much trouble which I feel horrible about, but I had to get out of there and he has to know that. I hope he knows that.

I help mother clean up breakfast then head to the living room to wait for the tutor. About ten minutes later Father is followed by a young women with long brunette hair, that's actually almost black in color. She wears a black dress with a string of pearls around her neck. I stand to greet her and she looks less than pleased to meet me.

"Emma, this is your tutor Ms. Mills," Father introduces us.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Mills," I say as I extend my hand. She firmly shakes it and drops my hand.

"Like wise," she says stiffly.

"Well I'll leave you to it Ms. Mills," Father nods and leaves the room.

"Please call me Regina. Ms. Mills is my mother. Now let's get started shall we?" She gestures and we sit.

"Now I understand my stay here is temporary, so I will just be expanding on what your teachers have had you working on," she explains.

"Sounds fine to me," I sigh. Throughout the day we go over history, English, math, and science, but all I can think about is Killian. I need to find a way to contact him without leaving the house. Now that is the tricky part. I can't call him someone else at his house could pick up. A letter has a return addresses, so that would not work. I'll have Belle come over she always knows what to do.

"Emma?" Regina asks.

"I am sorry, what were we talking about?" I confused by my own train of thought.

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