Chapter 29

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Days go by with no word from Killian or Belle. I am sure Belle has tried to get in, but Father hasn't let her in. Guards crawl all over the house and the yard. I couldn't escape if I tried. No one could get in without approval from Father. Everyday he asks me what I know and everyday I give the same answer. That I don't know. I know nothing. I don't know when that will get through his thick skull.

Late one afternoon once again Father had Logan pull me into the study. I plop down into a chair and wait for the dreaded question to be asked. I tap my fingers on the arm of the chair. I never was a patient child. Father enters the room and sits down.

"Emma, please make this simple for all of us. Just tell me what you know," he demands. I stand up, finally snapping, rage coursing through my veins.

"I don't know a goddamn thing. You can ask until my dying breath, but you will get the same damn answer. I. Know. Nothing," I say with a slam of my fist on his desk. He looks unfazed by my anger.

"Fine," he simply says with a sigh.

"Fine?" I ask, surprised by his answer. Completely surprised by his casualness to the situation.

"I accept that you know nothing about the Jones' family. You are isolated. You've been cut off from the outside world, your friends, and your school. If you knew anything you would've cracked and told me by now," he explains.

"Now that you accept my answer do I get any of those things back?" I ask, unsure of his next move.

"You can see Belle, and go back to school. School is conditional and you will be escorted to and from everyday. So don't get any ideas that you'll be able to run off with anyone," he says with a stern look.

"Fine," I retort. Not entirely pleased with situation, but it is better than it was before.

"Ms. Mills has been let go, so enjoy the rest of the day to yourself. Behave, Emma." He warns me. I nod and leave silently. I head to the phone and call Belle. By the second ring she picks up.

"Emma?" she says breathlessly. She must have run to answer the phone.

"Yes, it's me," I smile, so happy to hear her voice again.

"Oh my goodness, it's so great to hear from you. We have so much to discuss," she says in a hushed tone. I look around, no one is here, but that could change in a moment. This conversation can't be had here.

"I know, but we can't talk about it over the phone. Come over," I suggest.

"I understand I'll be over in a minute," she confirms. With that I hang up the phone. I go to the back door and wait for her. A couple minutes later there is a knock at the door. I open it and she immediately sweeps me into her arms.

"I've missed you so much," she says.

"I know I've missed you too," I say and back out of the hug, "Come on, let's go to my room." She nods and I lead her upstairs. She sits down on my bed. We say nothing until the door has shut.

"So, I take that you got my note from Logan?" I ask as I sit next to her.

"Yes and I gave the note inside to Killian. I have a note from him you know. I have been been waiting for days to give it to you," she mumbles as she pulls it out. My heart begins to race at the mention of his name. She gives it to me and my hand shakes as I take it from her. I unfold the paper and begin to read.


I am troubled by our unfortunate situation. I am sorry my blunder lead to us being caught by your father. Needless to say I was not surprised to hear you haven't been able to leave the house. Ways for us to be together seem to be slim. The one option that makes the most sense is to run away. To leave everything behind. We could get married and live in a small house in a town we've never heard of. A place where no one knows us or what our families do. I am getting ahead of myself. I know this is not an easy thing to swallow and you may want to end things with me regardless. If you want to run away I'll be waiting for your word. I am getting a few things together, which should be ready in a few days. We can leave when you're ready. This life of crime is never what I wanted. You made me see that there is another way. That I could be happy outside this house. Despite your choice I will always love you and fight for you. Send word as soon as possible.

With all my love,


Tears fill my eyes as I read it. He'd give everything up for me. He'd run away from everything for me, with me. He wants to marry me. He wants a life with me.

"What does it say?" Belle ask quietly. I simply hand her the paper not trusting my own voice at this point. I stand begin to pace. Back and forth. Could I leave everything I know? Back and forth. Could I simply walk out my front door and never look back? Back and forth. Could I leave my parents behind? Back and forth. Could I leave Logan behind? Back and forth. Could I leave Belle behind? Back and forth. Loving him has never been easy, but this is something else entirely.

"Are you going to do it?" She asks looking up from the letter. I stop pacing and face her. 

"I don't know. I am considering it, but leave everything I have ever known? Leave you behind? I don't know if I could do it," I sigh, running my hands through my hair.

"He deserves answer," she states, as if it's the easiest thing to answer.

"I know he does, but what should I do?" I ask her.

"I think you should. You love him and you've never enjoyed the reputation that goes with your family. I would miss you terribly, but I'll manage. Besides you deserve happiness," she smiles. I walk over to her and wrap her in a hug that could crush her. The tears are streaming down my cheeks.

"I'll miss you too," I release her from the hug, "How could I even get away though? This house is a prison and I go back to school tomorrow. Armed escort there and back," I explain.

"What you need is a big distraction, something where there are a lot of people. A place where you and him could get lost in the crowd," she muses.

"Where would that be?" I ask. She doesn't say anything. We sit in silence thinking of all the options.

"I think I have got it!" she exclaims.

"Well go on," I urge her.

"We graduate in a week. The ceremony is next friday. There will be so many people there. After you get your diploma you just slip out the back and run off. Your family won't know you've left until it's too late," she explains.

"This could work with the right timing," I comment. I run over to my desk and write out everything that Belle and I have discussed. I sign off with my love and fold it up. I hand it to her.

"You can get this to him?" I ask her. She takes it without hesitation.

"Of course," she stands to leave, but I grab her arm.

"Thank you. For everything. I think leaving you behind will be the hardest," I say. Tears well in her eyes.

"I know, seeing you go won't be easy," she says with a weak smile. I let her go and she walks out. By next friday I'll have a new life. I'll be leaving my old one behind.

Oh my god! What do you guys think? Now I have finals coming ups soon so I won't be able to update for a couple of weeks. I am sorry, but school comes first. I hope you guys understand. I have a question for all of you, I would love to know where you guys are reading from. If you want to please leave your city in the comments. :) As always please comment and vote! xoxoxoxoxo

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