Chapter 35

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Logan's POV

Father, Tommy, and I leave the room to allow Doctor Whale to do his work. We make our way down to the study. Father calls Uncle James and he says he is on his way. I hand Tommy a drink and he downs it. Uncle James comes over a few minutes later, looking disheveled and still asleep.

"Tommy, how the fuck did Killian his goddamn hand cut off?" Father demands.

"We were ambushed by freaks with knives and guns. I have no clue who they were; I didn't see their faces. We got a few shots off and I have no idea how it happened one minute we're doing fine the next I look over and he doesn't have a fucking hand. I grabbed the shipment and him. We got the fuck out of there," Tommy explains.

"Where is the shipment?" Father inquires.

"The trunk," Tommy says. Father almost spits out his drink.

"Tommy, number one fucking rule never bring shipments back to the house. Jesus, I'm going to go take it to the warehouse now. I'll be back. Don't fucking leave the house, we don't know who the fuck did this. Pass the message onto your mother and sister," he says to me. I nod and he leaves.

Father doesn't come back until early in the morning. He goes check on the doctor's work. I go see how Emma is doing. I find her in my parent's room, asleep. Mother is standing, rocking Leo to sleep.

"How is she?" I whisper.

"Not well. I think that the baby needed her to sleep otherwise she'd be awake and worried," she whispers. I nod. A couple minutes later Father comes in. Mother lays Leo down in his crib.

"Doctor Whale is almost done. He's just cleaning up. Killian's going to be fine. He doesn't have a left hand anymore, but he's alive. Doctor Whale is going to get some sleep and come back sometime tomorrow to check on Killian. Emma's asleep?" he questions.

"The baby needed the rest more than her," Mother comments. He nods.

"We should get some rest. I am going to go into the guest room, so you can stay in here with Emma and Leo," he kisses the top of her head and we both leave to our rooms.

 Emma's whole life has changed in the course of one night. She's tough, but I don't know how she'll handle this.

The next morning we all wake rather late due to the previous night's events. Whale gave Killian enough drugs to keep him out until midday he said at the very least. He also left us painkillers to give him once he wakes.

At midday he wakes up, writhing in pain and calling out for Emma. Mother rushes and gives him the drugs.

"Mrs. Nolan, where's Emma?" he wonders looking around the room.

"She's asleep, dear. Her and the baby need rest. She'll be up soon and the doctor is coming back soon to check on you," Mother tries to dissipate his worries, but it doesn't seemed to have worked. I leave the room without another word. From the landing upstairs I can see Doctor Whale and Father talking by the front door. I hurry down the stairs to their conversation.

"Logan, is Emma up yet?" Father asks.

"No, Killian is though. He keeps asking for her," I report.

"Did your mother give him the painkillers I left?" Whale asks. I nod.

"I am going to check on her and he should be fine for a while," he announces. I lead him up to my parents room. Whale takes her pulse.

"Emma, it's time to wake up," he says while he shakes her gently. It takes a few shakes, but she wakes and sits up in bed. Emma has a panicked look on her face. Whale gives her a glass of water. She slowly sips at it. Once she finishes it Whale takes the glass from her.

"If you're going to tell me Killian is dead I don't want to hear it," she says her voice shaking a little.

"Emma, I am very good at my job. He's alive, a little crippled but alive. I've been told he's asking for you," he tells her the good news. A smiles crosses her face. She pulls back the covers and leaps out of bed. She throws the door open and leaves the room.

Emma's POV

Killian's alive. Oh thank god. He's alive and asking for me. I run down the hall and open the door to our room. I find Mother sitting next to the bed, changing the bandage on his leg. Once Killian sees me a smile crosses his face.

"Emma," he sighs.

"Well, you should be fine for now. I'm going to give you two a minute," Mother smiles and ducks out. I sit down on the bed next to him. I give him a hug and lie my head on his chest. I can hear his heart beating, loud and strong. Even more proof that he's alive and well. 

"You probably want me to leave soon," he says dejected.

"What on earth do you mean?" I ask surprised by this statement.

"Emma, I am a cripple now. I only have one hand. How could you want me?" I shake my head at this ridiculous question.

"You're still the man you were before. I still love you. You're still the man I fell in love with all those months ago. Unless you want to leave?" I question, now unsure. With his good hand he brings me in and kisses me. The kiss is full of care and compassion. It shows me he is here and not going anywhere. I pull back shaky and out of breath.

"I thought you wouldn't want me anymore," he explains.

"You're ridiculous to think that," I tease him. Killian's smile fades into a frown.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" I ask worried about him.

"Your hands, love." I look down and notice that they are still stained with his blood.

"It's yours. The blood. I am going to go clean up," I mumble. I didn't even realize it was still there. I walk into the bathroom and flick on the light switch. I let the water run and lather my hands with soap and watch it turn red. It takes a few minutes, but I manage to scrub all the blood off. I dry my hands off and return to our room.

Doctor Whale is sitting on the bed, examining his arm.

"If you keep changing the bandages you should be fine. I'll come and check on you in a week," he comments. We thank him and I shut the door behind him.

 I turn around and Killian has a black velvet box in his hand. He snaps open the lid to reveal a white gold ring with dazzling diamond that had two smaller diamonds on either side of it.

A small gasp escapes from my lips and I gaze into his piercing blue eyes.

"With all the talk of marriage it occurred to me that I never actually asked you and that seemed wrong. If I could I would get down on my knee, but I am a little indisposed of at the moment. I am finally able to give you the wedding you've always wanted in the church with the white dress. I have your father's permission, which is something I never thought I would have. I want to be the luckiest man in the world because I am your husband. Emma Nolan, will you marry me?" 

Another cliffhanger I know I know. I hope you guys like it. As always please comment and vote! xoxoxoxoxo

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