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Patrick's pov

I cannot believe I just kissed her, yeah I've been wanting to but maybe it was a mistake. 

She kissed me back though. 

Was it in pity? or did she actually mean it?

After we pulled apart I noticed the losers coming down the street, I could see the worry in Averi's eyes and pulled her inside. 

I looked at her in awe while she glanced out the window, sighing with relief she turned back around to face me. 

I looked away quickly and cleared my throat, "So um-" 

"Patrick I got to go."

And with that she was gone.

Did I do something wrong?

I followed her out the door, "Averi! wait! what's wrong? why are you in such a hurry."

"I don't think this is a good idea... Patrick..."

I stood there stunted as she continued walking. 


Averi's pov

After turning around to look at Patrick I immediately knew this was a bad idea and I had to leave. 

"I don't think this is a good idea... Patrick..."

I ran down the porch steps and walked my way back home, opposite way of Richie and the other losers.

Halfway through my walk I stopped by a curb, sat down and began sobbing.

I let the tears flow out of my eyes. 

I looked up for a moment as I heard a car engine start and a it speed up, I didn't see anything so I quickly rolled into a bush. 

I peeked over the bush to see a blue trans am fly by.

Shit. that was close.

I couldn't see who all was in the car but I could only make out 3 people.

Quickly I got back and ran towards my house, I just didn't wanna be seen by them in case Patrick was in the car.

I walked through my houses front doors, "Richie!!" no response.

"Rich? Are you home?" I guess not. 

I walked up to my room, I sighed as I flopped onto my bed.


7:54pm it's been 5 hours and still no sign of Richie, I called Stanley's dad, Eddies mom, and Bills mom.

They all said the same thing, 'Their probably just hanging out in a field somewhere.'

I'm just worried.

He may be a little shit but I don't want him to go missing like all the other kids.

I hurried myself out of my bed and ran downstairs.



I thought I heard the door.

Signing I turned around only too see Richie covered in blood, sweat, and some sort of goo substance.

I threw him into a hug, im showering later anyways.

"Richie I was so worried! Where were you! You didn't even bother calling?!" I rambled

"Oh my god I'm fine Averi, see! You don't have to worry!"

"Your my little brother, of course I do."

We smiled and he ran upstairs shouting back down, "Im going to shower!"

I sighed, I didn't wanna get the couch dirty so I went to the porch and sat on the porch swing.

I guess I left my book out here earlier because its still on the swing.

I picked it up turned to my page and began reading.

Its been exactly 25 minutes and Richie is still showering.

I looked back down at my book, a few seconds later footsteps were heard on the porch, I looked up to see... Patrick?

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