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Smut warning <3

Whatever happend yesterday stayed in my mind throughout the night, I had gotten zero sleep.

Patrick offered to stay but I declined, I didn't know how I felt towards him.

Sure he's very attractive and all but he hurt my brother and from the rumors I've heard he's a complete physcopath.

But I might like Patrick.

As crazy as that sounds.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, i noticed my closet door was slightly open, I dont like it when it's like that.

It scares me.

I got up and went to close it.

I started walking back to my bed when my closet door slowly creaked open.

I turned around as slow as I could an just stared at it opening.

My breath was vaught in my throat when I saw a figure standing right in the middle of my wardrobe.

My door slammed making me jump.

"Hey sweetie are you okay?" My mother said rushing into my room. "I heard you scream?"

"Yea, yea im okay, just... stretching."

She turned away and closed my door.

what the hell? Just happend?

I slowly got up and got to my dresser grabbing what I was going to wear today.

I dont know where I'm going.

Just out.


I was walking along the creek just outside the sewers when I heard clanking coming from one of them.

Obviously I had to go and investigate.

I made my way over there and yelled in, "Hello?"

Suddenly someone came out splashing their way through.

Once they came out I could put a name to the face, "Patrick? oh my god are you okay?"

He tried playing it cool like nothing happend, "Now whats a pretty girl like you doing alone in the woods?" He said winking.

"Patrick just shut up, come one we have to get you cleaned up."

I grabbed his hand and led him to my house.

Once we arrived I led him upstairs to my bathroom where all our medical supplies were. He was all bloody and had a bunch of scratches on his arms and face.

I started to clean up some of his scratches when he winced at the sudden pressure. "Careful." He growled.


-- smut warning

"Okay, done!"

"He got up from the toilet seat and looked at the mirror obviously not knowing what he looked like before.

He grabbed my waist and put me against the sink.

Patick smirked, his hand going up to my jaw and tilting his head back to mine.

His thumb running over my bottom lip.

"Something wrong?" He quirked a brow as his other hand slid further down my waist.

My breathing growing harsher.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I finally asked.

"Well, what do you want me to do?" Patrick replied with a smirk.

"I think you know what I want you to do." I responded finally, a smirk growing on his lips.

"Well if you want it so bad, then beg." He replied, taking his hand off my waist and stepping back.

"wha-what?" I let out a laugh as if he were joking.

"Beg, if you want it so bad, beg." Patrick clicked his tongue, leaning against the wall.

"Beg-?" I snorted.

"You heard me pretty girl, beg if you want it so bad." Patrick replied, his hand going to rest on my cheek as he looked at my face with a grin.

I watched his blue eyes darken with lust as he leaned his face closer to mine.

"Come on, all you have to do is ask nicely." He whispered, his breath hovering over my ear sending goosebumps down my spine.

I breathed in sharply as he placed his hand on my hips, slowly running his fingers down.

"Please, please just do something, anything." I finally breathed out, admitting defeat.

"What do you want me to do?" Patrick quirked a brow, his one hand holding my head up so I didn't break eye contact with him.

My other hand trailing over his noticeable bulge, Patrick immediately bucking his hips into my hand with a groan.

"Come on, we both know you can speak." Patrick replied, although I kept my hand on his bulge.

"What.do.you.want.me.to.do?" He asked again, my hand tightening around him as I moved slowly.

My chest was heaving as he murmured the words.

"Suck my di-" He said, tightening my hand around him with a smirk.
"Hmmm?" He quirked a brow.

"Pl-please suck my dick."

I gave him a look with a raised brow.

"Please Darling."

A triumphant hmph left my lips as I slid down his body.

"Who would have known you could get so needy." I smirked, his hands on my hips.

My eyes never leave his.

"Eyes on me, pretty girl." I sighed as I unbuckled his belt.

My eyes going back to Patrick's , a whimper leaving his lips before he could stop it.

I kept my eyes staring up at his face as I pulled his cock out, a chuckle left his lips as he stared down at my face.

My hand running over him, painfully slow.

"Please darling, please don't teas-" Patrick cut himself off, throwing his head back as I rolled my tongue over his tip.

"Eyes on me, Patrick." I said louder taking my tongue off him as he stared down at me sternly.

Patricks eyes immediately falling back down to mine as I took him in my mouth.

Patricks hands went to my hair, holding me on him so I moved faster.

His eyes not leaving mine as he bit his bottom lip to keep the moans in, ones that would surely come out if he didn't.

a/n- hehe

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