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I woke up in my bed next to a sleeping Patrick, I can remember bits and pieces of last night and those made my cheeks burn up.

"Patrick, wake up." I whispered.

He groaned in response pulling my waist so my back was pressed against his stomach.

I rolled my eyes, I tried to get away but his arms were too strong.

"You gotta wake up, I can't get caught."

He groaned in response before sitting up making me go to. 

He attempted to kiss my lips before I pushed his lips away with my hand.

"Brush your teeth idiot."

He chuckled and got up, putting on his jeans and shirt.

He threw me my shirt, "What-"

"Get up pretty girl, were going on a walk, I need to show you something."

"Um, okay?" I hesitantly got up and threw on my pants.

I pushed him into the bathroom giving him an extra toothbrush and toothpaste.

We both brushed out teeth for a moment before rinsing out our mouths and brushes.

I didn't even have time to think before he crashed his lips into mine.

"Finally Jesus." He muttered pulling apart from my mouth.

I opened the bathroom door and pulled Patrick's hand making him follow me down the stairs.

"Okay get your shoes and let's go." I told him.

He threw on his boots and I threw on mine.

We walked out of my house hand in hand, "So where is the thing you wanna show me?" I asked.

"Um... Just let me take you there love."

I nodded and let him lead the way.


Patrick brought me into the middle of the woods, there stood a fridge, an empty dirty fridge.

Once he opened it I immediately gasped seeing dead animals stack on the broken shelfs.

"Its definitely something." I breathed out a laugh.

"You like it?"

"Yea yea I do." I said hesitantly

I shut the door of the fridge and placed himself in front of me, "Averi Tozier."

"Patrick Hockstetter." I said back with a giggle.

He looked at me for a moment before leaning in connecting our lips once again, he pulled away not fully and muttered something into the kiss.

"Will you be my girl friend?"

I pulled away and looked at him for a moment.

"I-its okay if you don't i-i just really like you, Tozier."

"I really like you to Patrick, of course I'll be your girlfriend." I smiled before bringing him back into a kiss.

a/n Okay this the last chapter idk how to end the book 🥴

I might think of an ending but this is all I got in me for this book <3

I hope you guys liked it and lmk in the comments of my board what you thought:)

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