The Beginning

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Note: This super short story will be published in seven parts with a lil' note from me in an eighth chapter. Although I exhibit the eagerness of a child in a candy store-wanting to hit publish whenever I finish something, I'm going to try to post this over the next three days. However, I probably won't be able to wait that long ;-) Hope you enjoy.

CHAPTER 1 - The Beginning

Mood Music: Spend My Life With You - Eric Benet feat. Tamia


Miles was the most beautiful boy I had ever seen. That thought raced through my head upon spotting him for the first time when we were in the first grade. It was lunchtime and unlike everyone else he was seated alone underneath a tree with a plastic blue lunchbox on his lap. I reckoned it was difficult to make friends when you're new and it's the middle of the school year. All of us six year olds were already in groups and there was this beautiful boy with the cringeworthy bowl haircut nibbling a sandwich while looking incredibly miserable.

I couldn't have that. His loneliness injured my heart although I didn't know anything about him except his name and that he was beautiful-despite the haircut. Grabbing the bag which contained my lunch, I headed toward him and introduced myself, my smile pleasant and friendly. Once we shook hands I asked if I could sit next to him. Regardless of a confused expression he nodded watching behind a pair of black-rimmed glasses as I occupied the grassy space to his left.

"How're you doing your first day, Miles?" There were crinkling sounds as I opened my bag, peering within to discover Mom had packed me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a container of sliced apples with caramel dip, a few shortbread cookies and a juice box.

"It's fine. I'm good." His expression failed to match those words. Another bite taken from his sandwich, he observed me while I dipped an apple slice in slightly thick caramel. "Why are you talking to me? I'm new."

I shrugged. "Everybody's new at some point. Gotta meet 'em to know 'em." Smiling, I brought the apple to my lips. "Now I'm meeting you." I took a bite as the beautiful boy offered me a tiny smile.

"You're nice."

Couldn't figure out why those two simple words caused my cheeks to burn, but I didn't dwell on it any longer than five seconds. "Thanks, Miles. I think you're nice too." I held out the apple container to him. "Apples?"

A petite hand reached within and selected the smallest slice. Heavily coating it in caramel, he inserted the entire piece in his mouth before offering me chips from one of those individual-sized bags. Months later I discovered one of Miles's least favorite fruits was apples and asked him why he ate a piece or two every time I offered from my lunch. He shyly answered that he wanted to keep proving he was nice. No need for him to do that though. I was quite positive that I would remain convinced he was nice for the rest of my days.



There she sat in the mud with her lower lip protruding and tears glistening in those pretty eyes. I knew what happened. I saw that little rat bastard when he pushed her into the mud without any good reason and then kept walking with a couple friends flanking him, all three laughing as though it was the funniest thing in the world to terrorize a nine-year-old innocent girl.

I quelled the urge to go after him as it would probably only land me in trouble and I'd already been in hot water with my old man that week. Instead I just allowed my eyes to shoot daggers at his back while walking over to her, kneeling on the grass next to the muddy area. I couldn't help but to wince. That dress, which looked new earlier was now a mess. The moment she walked into class she reminded me of cotton candy in the pink knee-length dress. Almost asked if she was as sweet as she looked, but wasn't certain how she would react.

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