The First Kiss

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CHAPTER 2 - The First Kiss

Mood Music: Just a Kiss - Lady Antebellum


Nine years I'd known the beautiful boy and with each passing year I wondered what it would feel like to kiss his lips. At first I deemed such thoughts weird, but at some point during the last two years I embraced them. I wanted to kiss Miles. I wanted to hold his hand and repeatedly hug him regardless of others opinion. I had a feeling he might be curious to kiss me too, but I wasn't positive and didn't build up the courage to ask until that particular summer afternoon we spent playing video games in my basement.

"Miles?" Deciding to take a break to rest our thumbs, we had placed the wireless controllers on the floor and sat side by side on beanbags, the vivid game paused on the large flat screen in front of us.

"Yeah?" He offered me the smile which always made me feel on the verge of melting into a puddle at his feet. God, I wanted to kiss him, hold his hand and wrap him in a tight embrace. I wanted...I wanted to spend the rest of my life loving him. True, we were only fifteen, but you know when it's real. You just know and even at such a young age I didn't have a single doubt. I'd vacated the puppy stage of love long ago. This was genuine, deep and everlasting.

"I wanna ask you three questions."

"Okay, shoot."

"Who is your best friend?"

Miles chuckled. "Think it's you. Happened soon after the day I ate apples for you."

I would have smiled yet I was too nervous to do so. "Have you ever kissed anyone?" Since we were practically glued at the hip I was fairly certain he hadn't as he would have shared the experience or experiences with me. He confirmed upon shaking his head and uttering a soft no.

"Last question." Heart pounding in my ears, the tip of my tongue swiped across my mouth. "What would you say to having your first kiss be with your best friend?" If my heart pounded any louder I wouldn't be able to hear his reply.

"Depends." He spoke just as softly as before, serious eyes trained on me. "Would my second, third, fourth and etcetera kisses be with him too?"

I finally began to smile. "If you'd want them to be." I shut my eyes in preparation when he leaned toward me. His lips were just as soft as I imagined and tinged with something I couldn't describe any other way except sweet. Speaking of that word, the idea of loving Miles for the rest of my life sounded incredibly sweet.



I remember our first kiss like it happened only yesterday. As cheesy as it might sound, it took place in the rain when we were sixteen. We were at a kickass high school party. You know, the type where sensible adults aren't anywhere in the vicinity, somehow there's loads of alcohol (mainly beer) available, one great dance song after another blares, a few teenagers might be upstairs hooking up and the night wouldn't be complete without a good old fashioned fight.

I supplied the fight.

Just because he was the star quarterback and everyone talked about him surely being drafted into the NFL didn't give him the right to keep hitting on Avery when she made it clear that she wasn't interested. I was going to let that go, but moments after his fingers pinched her butt my fist punched his face.

Instead of being grateful that I intervened, my best friend glared at me, said goodnight to a couple friends and stormed toward the front door. While a few cheerleaders fawned over the quarterback sprawled on the floor with a bloody nose, I hurried after her, hearing the torrential rain after opening the front door. Legs longer than hers, I managed to catch up with little effort just a few feet from her car, which was parked next to the curb.

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