The Birth

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CHAPTER 5 — The Birth

Mood Music: Daughters — John Mayer


I have a confession to make. I, Jacob McKay, am in love with a female. I mean seriously, no doubt about it, no way can it nor do I want it to be reversed deeply in love. Miles has been my husband for the last six years, but this little lady now owns a huge chunk of my heart.

Our daughter—Madeline Rose. It took three trying years, piles of paperwork, home studies and many phone calls, but we finally had our daughter and she was worth every stressful moment. If we had to do it all over again, we would in a heartbeat.

"I can hardly believe we're here," Miles whispered while holding the sleeping newborn. "Can hardly believe she's here in my arms and tomorrow we're taking her home." When his eyes connected with mine I noticed they shined with fresh tears.

We both sporadically cried following that final phone call alerting us to book a flight to China. In such a hurry and so excited to become parents we almost forgot to pack our passports. "I know. Neither can I." Reaching over, two of my fingers grazed the soft black spiky hair atop her head. Miles and I shared a smile when our sleeping daughter parted tiny pink lips to emit the cutest yawn in the history of man. Yep, that's right. No one on this planet has ever yawned as cutely as our little lady.

"Jake, I apologize in advance, but I intend to spoil this one so badly."

I grinned. "It's okay, love. That makes two of us."



A duffel bag packed weeks ago and the body pillow Avery had come to adore over the last few months of her pregnancy tossed in the backseat, I slid into the driver's side, heart pounding in my ears. "It's okay, Ave," I murmured, patting my pants pockets for the keys. "Just remain calm, concentrate on your breathing and we'll be at the hospital in a jiffy." Keys found, I inserted the correct one as my phone rang. Groaning, I snatched it from the dashboard. "Sorry, but I can't talk right now. My wife is-"

"You do realize there's no point in going to the hospital without me, right, honey?" Despite her water having broken while she ate the French toast I prepared for breakfast, Avery sounded amused. "That's like playing basketball without the hoop."

I stared toward the empty passenger seat. Aw crap. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'll be right there." Phone tossed on the dashboard, I exited the car parked within our garage. After insisting that we practice weekly in preparation for her going into labor and twice this week since she as of that day was officially one week late it was pretty sad when it finally happened I forgot to escort my very pregnant spouse to the car.

"Just remain calm, Luke. Concentrate on your breathing and go retrieve the mother of your soon to be born child."


"The most beautiful baby on the planet," I declared while admiring our twelve-minute-old son nestled against his mother's hospital gown covered bosom.

Dimples seemingly deeper than ever, Avery smiled at me, leaning forward to deposit a kiss. "We did good, didn't we, Papa?"

I believed the goofiest, happiest grin curved my lips. "Absolutely, Mama. Absolutely."



"Traffic sucks." Fingers drumming an unsteady beat on the steering wheel, I stared ahead willing the cars to move. From the corner of my eye I spotted Nicki nodding in agreement while she rubbed a swollen belly. Christmas in three days, we were on our way to celebrate with family and evidently other people had the same idea because for the last hour traffic along the freeway had been bumper to bumper.

Trying to lift our mood, Nicki surfed until she found a station playing Christmas songs around the clock. Recognizing the current song, we began to sing along feeling a bit of the holiday spirit by the time the next familiar song started. I was singing a duet with Christina Aguilera about how special this Christmas will be when my wife groaned.

"You okay, baby?"

Breathing faster, she resumed rubbing her belly as she shook her head, anxious eyes staring toward me. "Think my water just broke."

"You think?"

"It did. I'm wet. The seat is wet."

"Maybe you—"

"I did not pee on myself!" She glared for two seconds.

"All right, sorry." I briefly held up my hands as though under arrest. "Nicki, it's gonna be okay. I'm sure the traffic will move soon. We have plenty of time because the first pregnancy takes the longest, right?" My eyes pled with her to agree, but based on her expression I figured that wasn't about to happen.

"We're not gonna make it, Pey." Nicki started her Lamaze breathing. "Baby is coming...soon...really soon." When I begged her to hold it in her glare intensified. "Sure, I'll just clamp my thighs together!" An anguished cry escaping, her hand tried to choke the hell out of the parking brake.


In the backseat with Nicki's bare feet planted on my shoulders, she screamed that she couldn't when I instructed her to push again. We perspired despite the frigid December air. The traffic having moved a bit, cars honked at us until I stepped out just long enough to tell them my wife was in labor. A few people wanting to help, they directed traffic around our car, one person calling for an ambulance.

"You can do this, Nicki," I encouraged. "I'm sorry, but you actually have to. Give me one long and strong push, okay?" I stared in wonder at the little head of golden hair between her thighs. Amazing what the female body was capable of. Birth was amazing. Terrifying yet amazing.

She pushed and she screamed and soon I held our glistening infant in a blanket one of our helpers located in their trunk. A girl I told Nicki and she promptly began joyously weeping as did I. We had our baby. And to think it all started with my oldest brother providing us with a donation in a cup.

"We should name her Mercedes." I grinned and my fatigued spouse rolled her eyes.

"What if she had been born in a Toyota?"

"Emily is a good name too..."

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