Meg's Note

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Meg's Note


Greetings Earthlings. Yes, it's true. I'm an alien sent here to observe you all on this planet you refer to as Earth ;-) Okay, it's 2:30 in the morning and this note sounds nuts already. I apologize, but my excuse is it's 2:30AM and I tend to sleep little (taking a sip of coffee)


Those who read this story until the end I hope you're not too ticked off with me considering the way it ended. It was rough writing that, but death unfortunately is part of the cycle of life. However, if you're lucky you meet that special someone with whom you get to spend your life with, create beautiful memories with and once death stakes its claim, you're eventually reunited in the afterlife, which will be everlasting. At least that's what I believe.


Anyway, that's not the point of this note. I wanted to take this time to explain why I wrote this little story. I'm often on the Wattpad message boards and tend to gravitate toward those that are LGBT related and there are times when I read comments that cause my blood to boil. However, I'm usually too timid for confrontation, therefore, very rarely have I replied.


However, last week as I was trying to fall asleep my mind wandered and I thought about doing this. Creating a story with a trio of couples—one gay, one straight, one lesbian with the unspoken thesis being Love Is Love.


For the life of me, I'm unable to figure out why some people just do not understand that. What the heck does it matter if you and your partner have the same plumbing between your legs or not? It's what's on the inside that matters. It's your hearts that matter and that's the point I strived to make with The Lovebird Trilogy.


Here we have three couples, which I deliberately did not make it clear from the start who was with whom. In the end their genders didn't matter—it was the love that mattered. I'd hoped that maybe at least one person who wasn't supportive of same-sex relationships might start reading this and enjoy the couples without at first realizing Couple 1 were two men and Couple 3 were two women and then perhaps the light bulb above their head would flicker to life and they'd recognize that love is what's truly important. As long as you're consenting people of appropriate ages love is love.


Now this probably didn't happen, but a writer can still hope and keep her fingers crossed ;-)


I wish some people would realize that a man being with another man and a woman being with another woman is not abnormal. I've read on the message boards where someone talked about wanting to introduce a same-sex couple and/or a gay individual to their story yet since they're not gay they don't feel they can do it justice. Maybe I'm being too simplistic, but since when do you have to be something to write about it? Dang, I've written about serial killers yet the biggest thing I've ever eliminated was a spider ;-)


Newsflash: Those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, pansexual, asexual etc. are people just like anyone else. They laugh, they cry, they sleep, they eat, they watch television, dance to music, clean the house, go to school, go to work, walk the dog etc. Just people. We're all people—well, I'm an alien...


And if there's something you don't understand, perform research, ask someone, but really try not to make it so complicated. Though Jacob and Miles were two gay men and Peyton and Nicki were lesbians, their relationships weren't any more peculiar than that of Luke and Avery and that's really what I was trying to say. Whether straight or gay, their experiences were similar. They met, they fell in love and shared their lives together. Their gender didn't matter. How they felt about one another was what was truly important.


All right, I believe I've rambled enough and if you managed to make it through this entire note bless your heart ;-) I hope you enjoyed the story, the glimpses throughout the lives of these couples and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my reader. It is so very appreciated. Take good care, Earthlings.






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