The Proposal

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CHAPTER 4 - The Proposal

Mood Music: Marry Me - Train


Whistling a tune I just made up, I walked into the kitchen where Miles sat reading the digital newspaper and eating a bowl of colorful cereal. Before grabbing a bowl from the cupboard I took a couple moments to admire him in his suit, the matching jacket slung over his chair until he was ready to leave for work. Maybe I'm biased, but that man could be on the cover of GQ magazine. I especially loved when the sleeves of his dress shirt were rolled up to just below his elbows exposing those strong and bronzed forearms. Just drove me crazy in a good way.

"You intending to stare at me all day?" Miles asked, eyes remaining on the thin glass containing the words of whatever article he was reading. "I know I'm drop dead gorgeous, but you should eat something before we leave." Finally looking up, he teasingly grinned and winked at me.

Laughing, I grabbed a bowl and a spoon and kissed my boyfriend before sitting across from him. "You are quite a sexy beast." I thought it adorable he could still appear shy when I complimented him after nineteen years of knowing each other. Box in hand, I poured cereal into my bowl while inquiring what he read. I grinned triumphantly noticing the slim square package dropping within the bowl. One might think a couple twenty-five year olds would purchase grownup cereal, but we loved the 'fun' cereals—the ones that contained prizes.

"An article pertaining to President Isles announcing her intention to rerun."

"Awesome. She's doing a phenomenal job."

Miles agreed, staring toward my bowl. A smile forming he pointed his spoon at it. "You found the prize I see."

"Yep." I plucked it from the bowl. "It be mine!"

He laughed. "All right, Braggy McBraggerson. Open it." He indicated the cereal box. "Supposed to be a plastic ring advertising that new kid-friendly action movie debuting next Friday."

I rubbed my thumb and index finger on either side of the paper packaging. "Feels like a ring. My precious," I added in my best Lord of the Rings imitation. As Miles grinned I ripped it in half, a silver colored band bouncing upon the table. "Whoa. That doesn't look like plastic." And I could swear those tiny sparkling things wrapped around its edges were encrusted diamonds. Picking it up I brought it closer for further examination. "Miles, check this—" I gasped as when I looked up my beautiful boy was knelt on the floor in front of me.

Gently removing the ring from suddenly weakened fingers, he smiled a nervous smile. "I don't have a whole speech planned as I've never been good at speeches. I just want to thank you for loving me, and for bringing immeasurable happiness into my world since we were six-year-olds. And if you'll say yes to the question I'm about to ask, I promise that I will always love you and do my very best to see that you're as happy as you've made me." Miles drew in a deep breath shortly releasing it while he presented the ring. "So, Jacob, will you do me the greatest honor of being my husband?"



After speaking with a particular chef within the restaurant's kitchen I returned to our table with surely an ashen face. There I found Avery sipping champagne and looking so satisfied following her prime rib dinner. Although she offered a dimpled smile as I took my seat concern etched her brow. "You okay, babe? You look a little...odd." Since I lied by telling her I had to go to the restroom she discreetly asked if I was experiencing stomach troubles.

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