The First Time

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CHAPTER 3 - The First Time

Mood Music: Last Night - Az Yet


As prosaic as it might be, Miles and I took our intimacy to a new level on senior prom night. I had it all planned out, having saved money from my part-time job to rent us a suite for the evening. Once we left the prom being held within the hotel's banquet hall, we headed upstairs to our room. Key card inserted in the slot, I opened the door while watching Miles's beaming face take in the room.

Flameless candles had been strategically placed, roses petals littered the bed, a romantic ballad played, on the table was a bottle of sparkling cider bathing in crushed ice and a tray holding plump strawberries and whipped cream.

"It's perfect," my beautiful boy whispered, kicking off polished black shoes.

Shrugging out of my jacket, I draped it across the back of a chair. "It wasn't perfect until you walked in."

Catching his blush under the candle glow, Miles crooked a finger at me. Dutifully walking toward him, I was rewarded with a tender kiss. Having chosen to wear contacts for prom, unencumbered blue eyes studied me. "I love you, you know."

"Yeah?" A smile slipping into place I tugged him closer. "How much?"

"So much the word I'd need to explain has yet to be invented."

Smile so broad I hoped my cheeks wouldn't fracture. "Know how much I love you?"

"Tell me."

"So much...I'd give up apples for you." I managed to keep my expression serious until he burst out laughing.



With her parents out of town for the weekend on a romantic getaway, Avery invited me over for a homemade meal. Already an expert cook at seventeen, it was quite enjoyable. The make out session in the den on the loveseat was further enjoyable. In fact, it was so enjoyable that I thought it best we stop what we were doing and pay attention to the movie. I was about to make the suggestion when my girlfriend made a surprising one.

Blinking, I figured my ears had surely deceived me. "What did you just say?"

Those dimples I loved kissing began to show when Avery smiled. "I asked if you wanted to take this to my room?"


"No. The garage." When she rolled her eyes I laughed.

"Uh, what would we be doing in your bedroom?"

An eyebrow lifted, she cocked her head to the right, eyes roaming my face as she remained straddling me. "Have you always been this dense and I just failed to notice?" Leaning forward, Avery whispered something in my ear that would have had me blushing if I were the type to blush. Once our eyes reconnected she winked at me. "Clear enough for you now, honey?"

"Clear as crystal." I didn't blush yet my next swallow was quite audible. "Are you sure? It's your know. Want you to be sure. Want it to be special for you, Ave."

"It will be." Her mouth loudly smacked mine. "Because it'll be with you," she softly replied. "I love you and I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I want this and I'm ready. Trust you with my body, heart and soul."

Heart swelling, I engulfed Avery in a hug, lips grazing the side of a neck lightly scented with her favorite perfume. Was I the most fortunate person on Earth or what? Who needed birthdays and Christmas when you had the love of an amazing girl like the oh so fine Avery Kline?

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