Chapter 2: Winter Wonderland

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It's been almost four months since you fell into the underground. 

The good news is, you've gotten over your fear of spiders! They're a lot sweeter than you imagined, and shared some candy with you. It was awfully rude of you to assume they were just regular spiders. Apparently spiders are monsters? It's hard to explain.

The bad news is, you're still not good at "befriending" the monsters of the ruins. As soon as a froggit jumps your way, you're halfway across the room bolting for it.

"Buttercup it's just a froggit! It's not that big! I believe in you!" Toriel yelled from the other side of the room.

You sighed, nearing the large... frog thing.

"Uh, hi! I'm Buttercup...? You are..?" You said cautiously, getting closer to the froggit.

Suddenly, something appeared. A white and black box in from of you, describing the froggit.

>Froggit. It's got a sweet tooth.

"Toriel? What is this?" You asked, tabbing through the ITEMS, STATS, and other sections of this weird screen.

Toriel laughed, "Oh, I almost forgot! So sorry. You could call it magic, but you're in a 'battle' so to speak. That heart in front of the box is your soul. The very culmination of your being!"

You turn from the green soul to look back around at Toriel, giving her a look of shock, "And you couldn't have told me sooner?! What if it smacks me and I die?! Do monsters eat souls?!"

"Sweetheart, please, it won't kill you. Just befriend it already! You befriended me, how hard is a froggit?"

Turning back to the froggit, hesitantly, you decide to make your move. You remember a helpful blurb from the froggit's description upon entering the fight.

It has a sweet tooth!

"OH! Right! The spiders! Uh.. Where is it.. items?" you ask yourself, opening the ITEMS tab.

There they are! Luckily you have five more candies. It wouldn't hurt to share one.

You kneel down carefully in front of the timid froggit, slowly reaching out a piece of the monster candy.

"Here! I got some candy from the spiders earlier. Would you... like to be friends?" you ask nervously, your hand shaking as you're closer to the froggit than before.

It seems to... smile? Suddenly, it's tounge shoots out, grabbing the candy from your hand and coating your hand in saliva.

"EWW! Uh, glad we're friends now!" You say, the black and white box popping out of existence.

Quickly you wipe the saliva off your hand and onto your long jeaned overalls, turning and standing toward Toriel.

"Did I do it? Is that it?" you ask.

"In this case, yes!... Although, in the future, there are much larger and scarier monsters you will have to face..." Toriel says thoughtfully.

You put your hands on your hips and respond, "Well! I'll just have to friend all the monsters to befriend even stronger ones!"

Toriel laughs.

"Of course, now come on. It's about time we had lunch. We had a big morning!" she says, turning around towards the direction of your home.

"I could go for a toasted sandwich right now." you say, quickly catching up to her pace.

Your legs being shorter doesn't help keeping up with her.

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