Chapter 20: The Finale

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"Y/N! You're alive!" Frisk yelled with relief, wrapping their arms around you tightly, "I thought you were dead! I couldn't find you anywhere!"

You quickly shoved them off, adrenaline still pumping through your veins.

"What have you done Frisk?! These monsters, what could they have done to deserve this?!" You yelled, tears flooding past your eyes, unable to contain them anymore, "W-Who else did you murder, Frisk?!"

Frisk's hands began to shake, quickly taking your hands into theirs.

"No- No! It's not like that, I'm so sorry... I thought- I- I can make this right! Come with me! We can break the barrier!" Frisk shook as they spoke, desperate to convince you, "I- Let me clean this up first, nobody has to know this happened! I didn't kill anyone important after all!"

"Frisk, I-" You started, ready to reject such an insane proposition, cut off by a familiar laugh.

You looked behind Frisk to see Sans, his hands in his pockets, seemingly relaxed despite the situation at hand.

"Hey'a kiddo. Haven't seen you in years. Where you been?" Sans said, a smile on his face, one eye closed.

'Odd...' you thought, 'He usually closes the other one?'

Frisk groaned, shifting their hands to grasp your wrist tightly, turning to face Sans.

"Waiting. I've been waiting, Sans. How come the barrier isn't broken yet?" Frisk responded angrily.

"Prolly because you shoved your dear friend down here. Yeah? They wanted to stay down here until recently. When they fell, they knocked their head pretty hard, forgot a lot about their life up there..." he said, nonchalantly, "Guess that's your fault tho, yeah?"

Frisk turned towards you, hand still tightly around your wrist, nearly cutting off circulation.

"R-Really? I- You landed on the flowers though... right? I thought- Are you okay? Do you remember me? Of course you do... well, at least my name.." they said, their other hand pulling back your hair, revealing a scar leading up into your scalp.

"I didn't, no... Alphys thought I wouldn't make it, but I improved, thankfully.." You started to reply, sweating a little, uncomfortable at the proximity they were to you.

If you could get any more further away from Frisk, you would, but their grip wouldn't allow you to.

Sans began to walk a little closer, stopping quickly as Frisk pulled out a large kitchen knife, wrapping their arms around you and holding the sharp edge to your throat.

"Don't come any closer! I- I'll- I'm your only chance out of this place! If I kill them, I'll be the only one who can break that barrier!" They screamed, your throat tightening and stomach dropping at the thought of them murdering you.

Is this just a ruse? Could they really be thinking of killing you? Just a few moments ago, they seemed so worried about you...

In a really weird, twisted way of course, but caring none-the-less.

Sans quickly raised his hands up, a drop of sweat rolling down his skull.

"Haha buddy, no need to get all outta hand about this... let's just talk 'bout it." He said calmly, despite his increasing worry.

Frisk shook their head, "No! I've waited long enough! C'mon Y/N, we're breaking the barrier now."

They began to drag you away, towards the exit of the throne room, resisting against their tug.

It was no use, though. For what ever reason it was, they were much stronger than you, their grip that was causing pain earlier beginning to become unbearable.

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