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Cain huffs in boredom as he looks out the window at the rain.

"What's wrong, kiddo?"

Cain turns back.

"I'm bored."Cain responds.

"Well, we can't have that can we. How about we go take a look around outside?"

"How do we get you outside?"Cain asks.

"Oh, buddy, just a little support."

Cain watches as he slowly stands up, leaning against his cane.

"We better hurry up, don't want your mother to get here and you be all soggy."


Alice watches in pity as Ace tries to sleep. He was sweating, and sickly.

"Ace? Here, have some water."Alice says, picking a water bottle up off the dresser.

Ace hisses, turning his head as she places the bottle to his lips. They shake as he drinks the water.

"God, it looks like you're just getting worse."she says sadly, noticing the scales on his neck.

"I'm okay."he says softly, his eyes closed as Alice places the bottle back on his dresser.

Then, she watches his eyes slowly peel open and look at her menacingly.

"You know what's not okay, though?"he asks softly.

I look back at him, seeing a dark look in his eye.

"Ace?"I say.

He cracks a small smile.

"Why are you trying to keep master from his spawn?"

I shake my head as I walk towards the needles on my dresser.

"Oh go ahead, shoot me up. You never could handle the truth. That's why Belial never told you much about your mother. You fucking weak, Alice."

Those words coming from Ace hurt most. My lips quiver as I grab a syringe.

"Your master is calling to you, Alice."he says as I walk over to him.

I walk over and he grips my thigh with a smirk.

"He misses you."he says, sliding his hand up my leg to my shorts.

I angrily stab the venom into his chest and he gasps as I inject him.

I see his body relax, and he takes his hand away from me with a soft sigh.

"Thank you."he says softly.

My lips quiver as I take the empty syringe out of his chest and dispose of it.

Then I get into bed with Ace, laying in his arm. The chains around his wrists jingle as he lifts his arm to caress my cheek.

"I'm sorry. You're not weak."he says softly.

"It's okay."I sniffle, nuzzling against him and making him smile a new sharp fanged smile.

"You smell awful."I say.

"You love it."he responds.


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