Chapter Eight

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This chapter is a bit longer then the rest, but I still hope you guys enjoy!

-Eren's Pov-

Once the Queen and King said what they said they both got up and rung a glass with a fork. Once the noise was sent across the room everyone turned to look.

"Hello everyone, I would like to say, you all are extremely beautiful tonight! Oh, and I can't forget handsome" She said with a wink directed to me. "But now we must go over the rules and plans of what will be happening starting tomorrow. If you do not follow these rules you will be disqualified. Rule number one, you are not to steal anything in this palace or touch anything that we specifically tell you not to touch. Rule number two, you can not cheat or vandalize anyone here in this castle. Rule number three, you may not force the prince to do anything or any of us for that matter. Rule number four, if you are disqualified from this event because you do not meet the needs of the prince you will leave peacefully or there will possibly be jail time since we are royalty and that is considered endangerment to us. My husband will now speak about the plans we are going to do."

"Thank you love, now, today the only thing you are going to do is introduce yourselves then you will be shown to your sleeping chambers. Everyday we will have breakfast, lunch, and dinner here in this dining room, and every morning we will introduce the plans for the day. Now, everybody stand please."

The sound of chairs sliding backwards and feet shuffling filled the dining room. A second later everyone was standing so he then began talking again.

"Thank you, now going clockwise (right if you don't know) from the prince you will all introduce yourselves. More specifically, your name, your hobbies, what you do for a living, and one more thing about yourself that you would like to add, but if you don't want to then its fine. So now can you, the one with the strawberry blonde hair, start us all off?" The king asked with a stoic face and a raised eyebrow. Much different from when he was laughing with me and the Queen.

"Sure! My name is Petra Ral, my favorite hobby is designing dresses and hats, what I do for a living is I have my own boutique with my mother that we both run together. Then an extra about me is I love reading books about wild life and how everything works." Petra said with a sweet smile. The person after her then decided to speak.

"Hello my name is Ymir Hargreeves, my hobby is babysitting kids from the village, as shocking as that may seem. What I do for a living is I'm a writer, and I prefer not to say an extra since I don't really have anything else I do." Ymir said with a stoic face and a sigh. Next was this blonde girl with beautiful blue eyes.

"Hello! My name is Historia Reiss, my hobby is reading and my profession is I work with the kids in my local orphanage. An extra about me is I love watching and reading about the different types of birds in the world as boring as that seems." She said with a shy smile while quickly looking away from everyone's awed expressions. She is adorable! Wait. Oh shit it's my turn. Fuck!

"Uhm, I'm sorry, I mean- uhm, okay, my name is Eren Jeager, my hobby is, cooking? My profession is (this is going to be so embarrassing) I help people lift sandbags into trucks for people across the country who experience hurricanes and constant flooding since sand bags help prevent flooding and/or reduce the amount of water that comes in. And an extra about me is I actually love singing, though I haven't been able to do it in a while." I said with a nervous chuckle while rubbing my neck. Some giggled which caused me to blush, then the next person began talking.

-Levi's Pov-

That was adorable, how can someone be hot and cute at the same time? It doesn't make sense. But I'm not complaining. And no wonder he's so buff, with that job of his it's only natural that he's so muscley (I don't know if that's a word but dammit I made it a word!). Oh, the next person is talking, oops.

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