Chapter Six

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Hallo! Hope you enjoy! Tschüss!

-Levi's Pov-

Once me and my parents arrived at the castle they both practically flew out the carriage and up the steps so they could get ready. I on the other hand didn't give a shit. Well, actually, I sort of did, that hot man is coming so might as well freshen up a little bit.

Once I made my way into our "humble" abode, as my mother likes to put it, I made my way straight to my room. But as soon as I stepped through the door I was immediately swarmed with maids and butlers, they all tried rushing me to my room saying that everyone will be here in 10 minutes but you most likely know me so you must also know that I don't listen to nobody except myself, I move at my own damn pace.

So once I defended myself from their stupid nasty grabby hands I made my way up the staircase to my safe haven, which unfortunately is two stories up, so I'll have to get some exercise in sadly.

After a while I finally made it to my room, but when I opened the door I was unfortunately met with a crazy woman with messy pulled up brunette hair and stupid looking glasses. In other words, shitty glasses, or as others call her, Hanji. When she saw me she squealed like the loud ass pig she was and tried to attack me like a wild beast. Which she is. But unfortunately for her, when she was midair trying to attack me I stepped away from her line of impact and she flew out the door behind me. Then, being the gentleman I was, shut the door. Then I walked away...... While she was screeching.... But whatever, it's her own fault for being stupid. I feel no remorse.

Now, I need to wash my face, put more concealer on (for my eyebags), then go right back down and wait for that handsome man. I mean- wait for the seven contestants. For fucks sake, it sounds like a damn game show. I'm so done with my life.

7 Minutes Later

"Prince Levi! The first guest has arrived! They are in the dining room along with your parents." A random maid said that somehow appeared in my room.

"For fucks sake, knock before you come in you stupid imbecile." I said with an overly annoyed tone.

"Oh! I'm sorry sir! I'll leave now sir! Pardon me please!" The annoying maid said as she ran away to do whatever maids do.

Tch, how annoying. I wonder if it's that Eren guy.....Hopefully. Wait- I see this stranger at first glance and I'm already infatuated with his existence! What the hell is wrong with me. But whatever, I'm close to the dining room so I should just shut up to myself.

Oh look I'm here, goody (note the sarcasm)

Once I opened the door I realized that actually it wasn't just one guest like the stupid maid said, it was almost all of them, minus two. When they all looked to where I was standing most started squealing while some weren't, which was nice. There was only two who weren't out of the five, one was a blonde who had quite a big nose and a stoic face, much like myself, and the other one was a brunette with quite a bit of freckles.

When I went to sit in my designated chair I was just about to sit down when the doors that I just came out of slammed open and out came a brunette girl with a potato stuck in her mouth. I was extremely confused and at the same time repulsed since she was slobbering all over it. The reason I was confused was because, wasn't this supposed to be a dinner meeting sort of thing? Why would you bring a potato when we're going to eat? Whatever. Shitty glasses does this kind of weird shit all the time, I'll get used to it. But anyways, all the girls are here, so where is this Eren Jeager?

(Meanwhile with a certain green eyed brunette)

-Erens Pov-

'Step on it brahms! Hit them slow ass ponies!' I internally yelled in my brain, were even later then we were before, by like five minutes, so now we're going to be almost 10 minutes late! It's pony traffic galore right now! Some farmer accidently left the gate to their pony ranch open so now we're trying to escape them and get to the castle, this is the worst luck ever.

When I realized Brahms was too scared of hitting the ponies to go fast enough I stood up and got out the carriage quickly while Armin started telling me to come back in, but knowing me I ignored him. I went to the coachmen's seat and told Brahm to please hand me the reins. He denied saying that I was the guest and that I should "relax", but sorry Brahms, I don't want to make a bad first impression on the Prince because I need a request that is urgent, so I told him that I want to and that I'm a good coach driver, which I'm not lying, when I was 15 I was a coach driver for a close family friend who had issues with money so he couldnt pay someone to drive the coach, but he was also disabled so he couldn't just walk anywhere, so I offered that I could drive him for free, and he loved going fast so I became custom to knowing how to dodge random things. So I think I'm pretty trustworthy if I do say so myself.

Once Brahms finally gave me the reins after what felt like hours of reassuring I told him to get in the back and tell Armin and himself to hold on to something and don't let go. He looked at me extremely worried but abided either way. As soon as they both gave me the go ahead I brought the reins up and snapped them down, not hard enough to hurt the horses but loud enough to scare them and set us off way faster then what we were at.

As soon as they set off I heard a screech from the back where Armin and Brahms were, so I yelled back "Hey!!! Are you guys okay!?" They screamed back a yes and so after the reassurance I went back to completely focusing on the goal at hand, getting to the palace and don't. hit. the. ponies.

After a while and some near heartattacks I finally saw the palace up ahead, and also, the ponies have all been left in the dust, no injuries or fatalities! Atleast I think there wasn't.....Oh, we made it to the palace doors, I didn't even realize I made it past the gate-......Wow, I've never seen the palace so up close before, it's so beautiful......(picture above lmao) AHH STOP GETTING DISTRACTED AND HURRY UP AND GET YOUR ASS DOWN.

I got off of the high seat and went to the carriage door and when I opened it I saw both Brahms and Armin hugging eachother and damn near crying on the floor of the carriage so I obviously asked, "Hey, are you guys okay? Sorry if I scared you guys, but we're here!." I said with an excited tone

"Y-yeah, w-we're fine" Armin said as him and Brahms slowly got up off of the floor using the wall to steady themselves. I let out a chuckle and offered my hand to both of them to help them out the carriage which they gladly took. Once we got out and the both of them steadied themselves we quickly made our way into the palace.

When they opened the palace doors I just about had my jaw on the floor. It was absolutely beautiful(also in the picture above :>). The inside colors were a dusty gold with an off white/eggshell sort of color on the floors and stairs. It was like it appeared out of a fairytale, even the outside looked mystical. And I get to live here for a while, or atleast until the prince is able to disqualify me, which is probably going to happen as soon as he is able to..... But on the bright side I'll get to tell Mikasa and mom what the inside of the palace actually looks like and just how big it is.

While I was in the middle of thinking I didn't notice that both Brahms and Armin stopped walking and was standing in front of two doors, so since I hadn't seen them I walked right into them while also knocking all of us through the two doors.

And what I saw on the other side just about made me shit myself.....


Well that was the sixth chapter, how was it? Again if you see any mistakes just comment where it is if you would like me to fix it. Tschüss meine lieben!

1,518 Words

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