Chapter Eleven; Part One

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I hope you enjoy!

-Eren's Pov-

Once I started walking to my bedchamber I realized something. I kinda forgot the way. I memorized the way to the dining room but not to my room. Wait, shouldn't I just be able to flip the way to walk around and then it will lead me back? Let's try that.

So the directions I memorized were basically left, right, stairs, left. So If I flip it around it should lead me to my room. So, take a right, keep walking till you see stairs, go up the stairs then turn left, keep walking up the hallway then turn right into another hallway, and keep walking till you see your door. Yes, that seems about right. But there's only one way to find out. Let's go (Queue cool boss music).

Once I made it to the last hallway on my mental list I then looked for the forest green door.

Found it.

Once I walked in my room I automatically belly flopped on the bed. Today has been such a stressful day. Oh! Almost forgot, I need to exercise in order to stay fit since I'm not at work anymore. And I wonder how Mikasa and mom are doing? I hope they are fine. I'll have to write a letter to them when I'm finished with the date.

About an hour passed and I am now extremely bored. There is nothing I can do in here besides stare out the window. It's quite annoying. Now I wish Mikasa was here, even if she can be a little brat at times, she's a really good entertainer.

I wonder what the Prince is doing?

-Levi's Pov-

It is now currently ten in the morning. My first "date" is with this girl named Mina. She requested that we paint and drink tea. Which if I was living under normal circumstances I wouldn't mind the idea, but for one, I paint everyday for my lessons, which are now put on hold, and second, drinking tea AND painting is horrible. Imagine all those chemicals and germs getting in your drink and then you drink it. Uhm, yeah, no thanks.

-Eren's Pov-


This is so boring. I wish I could at least do something interesting. Oh, wait, I could read? Reading's nice. Oh, I wonder if there's music? Only one way to find out. Scavenger hunt!

After a while of looking I came up with two books and a forest green record player with a couple of old jazz records. And question, why is everything so aestheticy in here? And I don't care if aestheticy isn't a word because dammit I made it a word! But everything is a specific color and style. Though I'm not complaining, it's really nice. Just odd to me.

But anyways, let's turn this old thing on and read some books! I have nothing better to do anyways.

-Levi's Pov-

(An Hour and a Half Later)

I finished the date with the Mina girl about 30 minutes ago. The time is now 11:30 am. I think. But anyways the next date is with this girl named Annie. Apparently she wanted to do Archery, which I'm not opposed to but yet again, I do it everyday. So yeah, wish me luck whoever I'm talking to.

-Eren's Pov-

(Thirty Minutes Later)

*Knock Knock*

"Come in"

"Hello sir, I've come to give you lunch, where do you want me to put it?" The maid asked while looking away from me blushing. Oh yeah, about 20 minutes ago I decided that my suit was useless and hot so I took it off and changed into sweat pants. But the thing she is probably blushing at is the fact that I don't have a shirt on. Eh, she'll survive.

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