Chapter Nine

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Im sorry that I didn't update yesterday! I finished this chapter but then it wouldn't publish and it deleted practically everything I was working on. I'm so done 🥲 But anyways, I hope you enjoy! Tschüss!

-Eren's Pov-

The next morning I woke up to birds chirping and a comforting sunlight coming through my back window. Oh, and a bell that Brahms is holding. It's quite charming.

But anyways he woke me up then left when he knew that I wouldn't fall back asleep. So I got up and made my way to the bathroom to take a shower and freshen up. Once I got in I was automatically sent into a relaxed state. I don't remember the last time I had a warm shower, it's quite nice.

After a while of just standing there I finally decided to start actually washing myself. First my hair then my body. Once I was done I grabbed one of the fluffy white towels beside the shower door that I hung up and luxuriously dried off. Then once I was done with that, I brushed my teeth, swished listerine in my mouth, brushed my hair then dried it.

When I left the bathroom I was then met with Armin sitting on my bed with what appeared to be another suit but less fancy and thinner.

"Hey Eren! Did you sleep well?" He said as he stood up and walked towards me.

"Definitely. That was one of the most comfortable beds I have had the pleasure of sleeping in." I said with a chuckle.

"I'm really happy to hear that! Now, you need to put this suit on and then I will show you the way to the dining room." He said with a smile

"Alright. Thanks Armin." I said with a small smile.

After that short conversation I then turned around to once again walk in the bathroom. I put on the suit and when I was done I felt extremely accomplished. This is the second time I have put on a suit. Heh, I'm so cool.

After my little fashion show I then left the bathroom to see Armin. "Hey Armin, I'm ready to go if you are" I said walking towards him.

"Oh, alright, follow me then! And also, I'm not going to be able to walk you back here so you might want to memorize our way to the dining room." He said as he opened the door.

"Alright then, lead the way and I'll do the memorizing." I said with a small chuckle. Once I was out the door he started walking. Now, time for memorizing.

Okay, so you need to take a left, keep walking till you reach the end of the hallway then turn right, walk straight till you reach the stairs, go down them, then keep walking straight and make another left till you see the dining room doors. Phew, for one that was a lot of walking, and two, how in the hell am I going to remember that shit? I guess I'm going to have to use extra brainpower. Unfortunately.

"Okay Eren, seeing as we got here safely I will be taking my leave now. Oh also, we are 10 minutes early so you might be the only one in there for the time being. Oh also Eren, your tie is messed up" He said with a smile then turned and walked away.

'Why didnt he tell me this sooner!? Well it's too late now, might as well open the damn doors and go inside. Can't just sit here all day Eren.' I say to myself.

When I opened the door I was met with the same dining room from last night but full of sunlight and it was silent. Aside from a flip of a page. I instantly looked to the right to see the
Prince reading a book named 'Julius Caeser'. Shakespear ey? Though what do you expect from a prince, he probably has to read it, or maybe he just likes the play, I've read it to my mother and acted it out for her since it was her favorite play so I pretty much know everything that is said. Wait why am I rambling on about this? Oh, wait, the Prince is looking up. Did he notice I was staring!? Well, I was staring at the book, but still. It's quite embarrassing.

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