Chapter 13

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I hope you enjoy! 😓

-Third Person-

After a while of Eren looking at the beautiful stars, he began to start talking to Levi. But to his utmost surprise, he saw that Levi was, in fact, sleeping. Once the reality of the situation seeped in, his face and neck automatically started to glow red with blush. In his thoughts, he was questioning how someone could possibly be so adorable.

After a while of staring, he then realized that he should probably wake him so they could get up and go back to their chambers. After Eren situated himself into a more comfortable position he then started to lightly shake the prince awake. In a whispered tone, he spoke. "Levi, you need to wake up, you'll get a cold if you're out here much longer."

The Raven haired man then started shuffling a bit until he opened one eye. "Eren? Oh, sorry for sleeping on you." Levi said with a hint of blush appearing on his skin.

"It's alright your- uhem, Levi, you didn't mean to, but now we should probably go back to our rooms, it's getting colder out here and I don't want you to catch a cold." Eren said with a worried tone as he slowly stood up while holding Levi bridal style.

When Eren was fully standing, he then carefully put Levi down. "Would you like me to walk you to your room, or would you rather walk by yourself?" Eren asked. "Oh, uhm, I would allow you to, but I kind of have a guard that follows me everywhere, and I can't show anyone my room for safety reasons. I'm sorry, Eren." Levi said with a small hint of disappointment in his facial features. Which soon disappeared a second later.

"You don't have to apologize, Levi, I understand." Eren said with a small smile. "Thank you Eren, but I suppose now we have to say goodbye?" Said Levi as he stood straight and tightened Eren's jacket around his arms. "Hah, yes, I guess so. Goodnight Levi, hopefully you had a good time, I know it wasn't the best date ever but I thought you might like the simplicity of it." Eren said in a nervous tone with a small chuckle.

"I had a good time, thank you Eren." Levi said with a small smile. After a couple seconds though that smile slowly turned into a mischievous smirk. "Aren't you supposed to kiss my hand and give me a sweet farewell?" Levi said with that smirk still present on his face. Eren had a look of confusion on his face until a look of realization set onto his features. "Oh yeah! I'm sorry Levi!"

"W-Wait I was-" Levi began to say before he was cut off by Eren bringing his hand up and pressing his lips lightly onto the back of Levi's hand in a gentle manor. "Is that better your highness?" Eren said innocently as he looked up from his spot next to Levi's hand.

Levi automatically blushed bright red. "U-Uhm yeah t-thank you" Levi said trying to hide his embarassment and flustered face with his free hand.

-Levi's Pov-

What is wrong with me. Why am I blushing and hiding like a fucking schoolgirl. And why the fuck does my stomach feel that it has bugs and shit in it. Am I dying? No. I don't think so. But I do know one thing. Whatever is happening needs to be discussed with a doctor. This is NOT normal.

"Prince Levi, are you okay?" Eren asked in a worried tone. "YeS- uhem- I mean yes." Did I just have a fucking voice crack. This can't be happening. I am beyond embarrassed. I'm never embarrassed. Never.

Eren then proceeded to chuckle. "There is no need to be embarassed your- Levi. You are probably just tired." Eren said with a small smile. I'm melting. Why am I melting.

"I am not embarrassed. You liar." I said with a straight face and an accusing tone(atleast he thought he had a straight face).

"Levi with all due respect you are very red and you keep tapping your foot." Eren proceeded to say with a sweet smile and chuckle. Yeah no this is how I die.

"I-I no. I'm leaving. Good night Eren. I hope you have sweet dreams- I mean sweet falls. Actually very aggressive falls- I mean. Fuck nevermind good night." I quickly said while speed walking to the palace doors where two guards were standing. I am embarrassed beyond belief and I am now ready to sell my soul.

-Eren's Pov-

I- what just happened? Did I just make the Prince, stutter, blush, AND mix up his words? Does he dislike me? Was he angry? I am now worried, if he was angry, will he be able to forgive me? What did I do? I will ask if I did something wrong tomorrow during breakfast. Hopefully I can fix what I did!

But a couple good things did come out of this. Such as the fact that he slept on me, he has my jacket still, AND he looks adorable when angry. Atleast I think he was angry.

I will figure it out tomorrow, but right now I need to go to my bed chambers, I am exhausted beyond belief and I need to figure out why he was mad at me. I mean, why else would he turn red and stutter?


Holy hell I am so sorry!!!! I promised that if one person said I should continue I would but I never did! I feel horrible, so many things have happened. I've been trying to figure out who I am, but that is no excuse to delay this story, forgive me please!

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