#5-The Motel

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We stood around the bleak parking lot of the travelier motel. The place felt weird. It was irregular in a sense. The lack of normal lights and signs of life was eerie, even though our faces shone in the neon of the street lights, if I was ten feet further back, I could've been bumping shoulders with someone and not noticed.

Glenn was over a car, with things packed up in it. Me and Nico were pulling around some walker carcasses and getting ready to light them up, and remove them.

We were in bleak silence, not a single one of us would dare to speak, and the air was heavy. The only thing that broke that rule, was a radio that Carley had brought. It was spitting out some garbled gibberish that meant nothing to me, but the adults seemed to cling to it like it was the key to getting out of here. Maybe it was just the most normal thing around.

Me and nico dragged one final walker to the pile of em, and he wore a face of disgust. He wiped the grime from his hands with his jeans, and sighed heavily.

Duck began going on rambling again, about some comic book, and Glenn finished up in the car. I walked over, and made put the radio. It was a man speaking, irregularly calm.

Radio: Stage 9 catastrophe in Atlanta. Stage 10 catastrophe in Augusta.

The radio continued to mention the cities in the state, every one making me less Hopefully the military had any fucks to give.

Glenn: I need to go.

Lee: To Atlanta?

Glenn: Yeah. I got friends there.

Me: We were there a hot minute ago. It could've gone either way.

Glenn: I gotta take my chances.

Lilly went to intervene, but I raised my hand. She looked conflicted, then annoyed, and then walked away.

Lee: I think you're making the wrong call.

Glenn: I Know... I'd rather make the wrong call and know, then the right and not.

Lee: I respect that.

Glenn: You guys be safe.

Me: Good luck.

He looked up at the second story of rooms, at one petucaliar door, near a broken railing. He then looked down and shook his head, before he got into the car, and peeled away to go too his friends.

I walked over to Clem, who was silently listening to Duck babble on about superdinosaurs and lasers. Clem looked up at me, and back at duck. She seemed slightly fed up, but didn't want to annoy him back.

Me: Hey buddy!

I knelt down to his level.

Duck: Hi Y/N! Do you know the comics Invincible? It's getting a TV show too!! When I get home I'm gonna watch it!

Me: I did! I read it when it when I was younger. Why don't you go to your old man duck? I need to talk to Clem for a minute.

Duck Okay! Bye!!

He ran off, probably ask for food.

Clem: What's up?

Me: Not much. You good? Especially with everything going on right now.

Clem: I don't even know. It's just so... weird. Life doesn't feel real right now. At least we met.

Me: Yeah, I get that.

Clem: My walkie broke too. It was... it was my last way I could've talked to my parents. Glenn has the other one.

Me: Oh shit Clem. That sucks, but maybe we'll get another one down the line. The way I see it, Ken's a fisherman and if this plays goes out, we'll need a boat. We can get one in savanna, if the military doesn't sweep through and pick us up like a white knight, we'll still find them.

Clem: Thanks Y/N. I don't think you know how much I needed. That.

That whole discussion reminded me of my parents. I put on my most realistic smile I could, and leaned against the wall.

A few seconds later, noises of General foot traffic, guns and helicopters along with signs of one sided struggle came from along the road.

Kenny: I hope that's the sound of us winning this thing.

Nico looked conflicted, but stopped himself before he could talk. I nodded at him

Lilly: Me too.

Kenny:This motels pretty damn defendable. Fill up the gaps with cars and shit we find, we can hold it out till the military gets here.

Lilly: For once, I agree with you.

Lee: Sounds good.

Kenny: Someone on watch, then we've got water, we've got beds, we've even got light. There are worse places to call home.

Lilly: It's going to be ok guys.

We all looked at each other hopefully, before the lights began to shut off one by one. First the street lights, then the rooms, then the neon signs.

A/N: 798 Words. Sorry for such a short chapter, I just wanna finish episode 1. Thanks for reading!

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