#9-On The Road

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Being on the road used to be very normal, very boring and bland, that'd before everything. Now you don't know if the next turn off will be sanctuary or some kind of unique hellhole, you've seen yourself what happens in this brand new world, doesn't matter how important you think someone is, now it takes only a single mistaken footstep to harm someone gravely.

Nico it the floor with a thud, you cringed as his bare knees slapped the ground with a sound that resembled knocking on wood. He cried in pain, only to cry in terror as a bullet whizzed into his elbow, tearing through each muscle Fibre, into the joint, and out the other end.

Olivia: NO!

Clem: Fuck!

You remained silent, grabbing him underneath his shoulder and hauling him into cover.

Nico  screamed in agony, as he tried to cover the wound with his hand, his brain trying as hard as it could to hold it together, as shards of his elbow clanked to the asphalt covered in blood and torn flesh.

Olivia fired a shot, hitting the Bandit in the chest, forcing the last two to drag him away and retreat.

People around you ran to nico, they bandaged him up, and tried to do everything, but the group just didn't have enough supplies.

Small time skip

The group all stood together in the small crowded RV. Nico layed on the chair at the back, he was out cold. Scary thing is, he might not wake up again.

Mark survived.

He wasn't 'all in one piece' you could say, I guess. He had his entire right leg below the knee severed, relegated to a small stump. You sat next to him, you're arrow head wound was healing, but you still weren't good yet. Lee and Clem sat near, Clem was closest to you.

The air was heavy, everyone understood that now, nothing could be certain. Yo could  die in 3 fucking minutes for all you know.

Ben: Fu- fuc- I'm sorry.

Carley: Its okay Ben.

Lilly: No its not! We gotta figure out how this happened!

You: We lost... Everything.

Kenny: We're goddamn lucky for this RV.

Lilly: Don't be so casual! Someone here caused this.

You: The Bandits are maniacs
I wouldn't be surprised if they made up a deal in there head, and believed it themselves.

Lilly: How do you know. They're just people!

You: You weren't there. One of the people who attacked, and someone else were walking ahead of us. His 'friend' got caught in a fence. That 'friend' caught a slow painful death for asking for help.

Clem: Jesus...

Lilly looked stunned.

Lee: She might be right.

Lilly: Lee found a bag of supplies in the forest.

Nico: could've opened with that.

Lilly: So carley. Something you wanna say?

Carley: Please.

Lilly: We have to force it out of you?

Kenny: All of yall, Chill out back there.

Lee: Why her? Seems like a shot in the dark?

Clem: Yeah.

Lilly: Because you were so eager to know all of the supplies we had when we got them.

You: Think about that for a second. You weren't eager to find out if there was enough food for you to eat? You hand out the food. You should know some of us didn't get food for a week.

Lilly: You're saying it isn't her?

Carley: It isn't me.

Nico: Guys, we need to act NOW. This is crazy, but we have a traitor here. You hearing this?
Someone put their shit above everyone else!

You: That doesn't sound like Carley at all Lilly.

Ben: Nobody was stealing anything.

Lilly: Was it both of you?

She leaned into Ben.

Lilly: Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't do it.

Carley: Lay off him!

Ben: I-

The RV hit something, and it got caught under the wheels.

Lilly: The hell was that!?

Kenny: Hit something. I need to stop.

The RV crawled to a stop.

You: Is it safe?

Kenny: Should be.

Lilly: Everybody out!

Everyone except Mark and nico got up. You tried to stand up, but clementine pushed you down.

Clem: Rest.

You were too tired to fight back. You leaned back onto the chair, every part of every muscle in your body stressed and aching. Your eyes fell heavy, and you fell into a deep sleep.

Dad: Hey buddy, how are you?

You were in your family home, sitting next to your father on a sofa, watching TV.

You: D- Dad? Are you real?

Dad: You know very well what I am. I'm whatever you believe I am.

You: I guess so.

He left out his loud, booming laughter as a comedian he liked to watch cracked another joke. God, you missed that laugh so much.

Dad: Son, I know you've gone through some hard times, he'll, harder than I ever faced at your age. You've grown so damn much! I'm so proud of you buddy. You've never stopped caring for your friends. In this world now, I can no longer help you. The path you make, and have been making since this all started is yours and yours alone. You are a survivor. I might not see you again, but damn will I miss you so much.

You: I'll miss you too. Thanks so much dad.

He stood up, the hulking giant he always was, before walking out the room, and leaving.

Your eyes began to open, and you slowly woke up

A/N: 915 words. Thanks for reading everyone, I hope you enjoyed so far and if you didn't, please comment or message me with how I can improve. It'd make a world of difference. Thanks again!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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