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  As I scrolled through my tv, trying to pick a show to watch for the evening, my phone went off. As I answered the call from a unknown number, as creepy as it was. I heard Tori's voice on the other end and sighed in relief. "Girl!! You have to come with me and my college friends tonight to the Landon creek carnival" I rolled my eyes, she knew the answer. "Tori-" I began, but not surprisingly I was cut off before I could finish. "They have your lemonade" . I smiled at that. Ever since we were kids we would wait all year and buy enough lemonade for days at the fair. I knew I needed to go, at least for old times sake. "Fine" I said. A squeal left my best friends mouth. "Okay! I'll pick you up at six! She says, hanging up.

    The time was 5:45. I was fixing my short hair, that I had curled. My dress was white, with a tight top and fluffed out bottom. I had light makeup on and my favorite brown boots. As I continued to mess with my hair, I heard my front door being knocked on. Grabbing my purse, I walked and opened the door.

    That's when I saw her. Tori had long purple hair, and tattoos galore, she was wearing a neon green bra with booty shorts. Typical. But next to her was what I was looking at. The girl had a boy sort of hair cut, as everyone calls "fluffy hair". She had a oversized band T-shirt, with black ripped jeans on, her black hair highlighted her hazel eyes, a mix of golden brown and emerald green. She showed off the perfect smile as I starred. As I came back from my trance I took a second and realized I couldn't like this girl could I? No. I'm straight. I brushed it off and hugged Tori as we all got into the car and left.

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