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* Hello there, my name is Agent William Greenfield.

* Its been quite a while since I have wrote any journals. It's probably gonna be my last one, my memory is rapidly declining, and i'm over 67 and a half years old. That a lot huh? So, I'm writing this journal as quick as possible.

* Okay, so uh.. you might remember the island called Sodor? Yeah, I used to have an amazing life there. It was really popular for its engines, oh and in fact. I used to be a fireman one of them, along with my great friends Collin Wedeburg. They were a black scottish engine, with a number 9 on it's tender. His name was Donald, he has a twin named Douglas, he was the number 10 engine. You probably know who they are, but I write that down just incase you dont live anywhere in Britain if you are reading this.

* Okay thats to much introduction, I really gotta start writing down the story.

* Okay thats to much introduction, I really gotta start writing down the story

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(Genuinely awful) Sodor: On assaultWhere stories live. Discover now