Returning to Donald.

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- 9:41AM

* We are finally came back to Donald and Toad in the Sheds. He was relieved to see us back and questioned about the gunshots on Duck's face, he told him everything that had happened. He was glad we got out alive. We soon covered ducks wounds with some bandages for him to feel better. 


* When we bandaged Duck a bit, Donald told us something. He claimed that he saw Edward with a Goods train and an Express coach pass by into the direction of Elsbridge, and it seemed like he had a bit of scratches, burns and his right eye has melted out skin on it, he didn't stop to meet up with Donald and Toad and kept going. We were really confused beacuse Percy said he didnt see anyone pass behind him when he was sitting in the Knapford station when the entire shooting happened. All we could do is speculate what could have happened to him.

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