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"Hello mother, where's dad?"

You asked as you walked through the door that led to the kitchen on the left and the living room straight ahead. Your mother turned around and looked at me from the corner of the manilla wall and smiled then answered, "He was called back on shift, there's been another incident" She answered lightly, but the slightly cheery tone couldn't mask the slight loneliness that was evident on the edges and corners of her well-framed face.

You nodded before taking off your shoes and setting them right by the door and heading upstairs to my room to do your homework. But before you opened your door, you back tracked to your older cousin's door and kicked it, earning a low, loud groan from him.

"Leave me alone, Y/n." He grumbled from behind the door, to which you chuckled and kicked it again then finally headed towards your room.

Perhaps a couple hours later, you looked up from the book you were reading and looked at your alarm clock and noticed that it was 10 at night. You huffed then got up from your spot and went to go do your nightly routine, then got back in bed and kept reading.

You heard the front door open and shut with a small 'bang,' indicating that it was probably your father who'd just walked in. You huffed once again and closed your book after marking your spot and left your room to glide down the stairs to find your father sitting at the table in the dining room across from the kitchen, reading over some paper.

"Hello father, is that the report from some other incident that happened in the city?" You asked, pulling out a chair and sitting down across from him. He looked up at you through the edges of both his glasses and the paper sitting in front of him, then smiled. "Yes, it is. How was your day, Y/n?" He asked smoothly. You smiled back at him, your teeth showing from your parted lips. "It was good. What was the incident this time?"

His smile slightly fell, then he went back to reading the paper. "Even though it's a fairly good city, even Tokyo has its darker parts." He answered, as if to inform you of something. Of what, though?

"Another murder case, I assume?" You replied with somewhat of the same tone. His eyebrows knit together slightly before looking up at you, letting the paper drop slightly to show his puzzled face. "Seems to be, though I'm not sure I would call it that." He answered, to which you lifted a brow before he handed you the paper. "I wonder what your co-workers would think of this, letting your daughter read over information disclosed only between staff of the Tokyo Police Department." You lightly joked, skimming through the words on the paper. He chuckled with you.

You stopped laughing once you got to the description of the body that was reported. It was described in such a way that made it sound like a completely different species from human.

"..They're sure a human did all this?" You questioned, handing him back the paper. He nodded before flipping the page to the next one. "Yes. And since this is the third one this week, they're setting up a curfew for 8 o'clock Monday through Friday, and 10 o'clock on Saturday's and Sunday's. It's not official yet, but they're considering it," He explained. "And given how stubborn the government is, it'll probably be mandated within the next two weeks, I'm guessing." You replied, he nodded in agreement.

You sighed then leaned back and rested your arms behind your head. He looked up at you once again, "Hey, Y/n, you're pretty smart...and I'm sure the police force wouldn't mind seeing you again, would you maybe want to come with me to work tomorrow?" He suggested. You immediately leaned forward to the table and looked him dead in the eye. "Me? Come with you to work?" You repeated. He nodded, "I figured it'd be nice, a change of pace from school, and also because it's a Saturday tomorrow, so why not?"

"YES! YES YES YES! I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO SEE A REAL LIFE CRIME SCENE AND NOT THOSE PHONY ONES FROM CRIMINAL MINDS!" You cheered, getting up from your chair and jumping up and down. He chuckled then told you to sit down.

You sighed happily after sitting back down at the table.




Your alarm went off at 4:30, as you set it to that time just before you went to bed last night. You turned off your alarm and sprang up out of bed to get your clothes on then sped downstairs to meet my dad who was fixing his tie.

"Hey sport, you ready?" He asked, turning to me with a smile. You grinned back and nodded your head.

"Yep! Can't wait to become the youngest detective in Tokyo!"

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘; 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐳𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now