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Training with Yachi proved to be a bitch. It was way worse than training with Maki or Shami. Yachi and Shami are both Grade 1 sorcerers, but Yachi makes Shami seem like a Grade 2! He made it seem like Maki's training wasn't even worth it! Yachi would sometimes make fun of you for losing to a sorcerer an entire grade lower than you. And with Ryo's voice back in your head, he sometimes comments stuff and it distracts you.

Yachi said he'd be a lot harder with training now that he knows you possess the Force Technique. He suggested waiting a bit before trying to apologize to Maki for what happened last week.

The Soul Piercer's case clashed against the blade of Yachi's katana roughly, the both of you pushing towards one another. The two of you were so close you could almost see every drop of sweat on his forehead, and the same for you. His strength was insane, and you were sure if you didn't have Ryo, you would've been knocked into the building and made a Y/n-shaped hole in the wall.

The wind blew past you and Yachi, blowing your hair. Yachi's silver-white hair blew in his face, but he remained the same, like a terminator. The wind made your eyes water, so you blinked. The moment your lid covered your eyes, Yachi pushed his katana into the Soul Piercer, sending it flying out of your hand and knocking you down on the ground.

Yachi chuckled as he watched you land on your ass. "You should try harder." He commented, extending his arm to help you up. You huffed then grabbed his hand and pulled yourself up. "You should let me win."

"There's no point in that. It only means you're weaker than what's expected for a special grade sorcerer." He deadpanned, crossing his arms. You rolled your eyes then walked over to grab the Soul Piercer. "You sound like Maki."

He chuckled again. "It's true. You may be the same grade as Satoru and Okkotsu, but you're not as strong as them."

"Is it because I'm a girl?"

"No, Y/n. It's because you train with weaklings. You need to get used to my training."

"Why don't they just upgrade you to a special grade, then, if you think Maki's so weak."

"She has no cursed energy, Y/n."

You side eyed him. "That girl brings Shoko a line of aching kids at her office. She says it's a pain just to look at them every day."

Yachi huffed. "Whatever. You still need to get used to training with me."



After that, Yachi kept being harder and harder after each day. He purposely did things to set you off, and it worked every time, seeing that you'd take the Soul Piercer and throw it at him or use the Force Technique and do whatever it would do. He thought it was progress, that you were using the Force Technique more and more often.

"You're getting better." Yachi commented, watching you get up from the grass. You huffed and collected the Soul Piercer from the ground. "You're getting more annoying."

He chuckled. "Alright. Let's see just how much you've improved with that technique." He suggested, tossing his katana to the side. You lifted a brow. "Which one?"

"The Force Technique, genius." Yachi grunted. You rolled your eyes then let the Soul Piercer drop from your hand. Yachi pointed to the shed behind him. "Open that door." He ordered. You lifted your arm, and your palm faced the door. After a few seconds, tiny specs of purple dust were floating around in the air as the door opened on its own. You and Yachi stared at it in surprise. You really were getting the hang of it. You wished the others were here to see how much you've progressed with that cursed technique, and that Maki was here so you could apologize to her.

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘; 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐳𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now