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The drive to the scene was quiet. The streets of Tokyo were clear and not a soul was around, as it was still 4 something in the morning.

When you and your father got to the scene, there were maybe 5 or 6 people there who were forced up by the reckoning of their alarm clocks, observing the deformed 'human' body that looked like a chemical reaction gone wrong lying on the ground surrounded by caution tape and evidence markers.

Your father told you to stand off to the side while he deals with the important stuff, so you just stood next to some random wall.

You looked over to the side to find a tall girl with dark green hair tied up into a ponytail and had glasses, standing next to a smaller boy with messy white hair and a teal collar that extended over his nose. They looked suspicious, as they were wearing darker blue uniforms and standing off to the side while the task force was investigating the scene which the two of them were standing pretty close to.

Deciding that you would be here for the next few hours with nobody else to talk to, you slowly strolled over to the pair, keeping your hands in your pockets.

"I take it you're not from around here?" You asked, eyeing the strange green haired girl up and down. She turned to you and slightly frowned.

"Why does it matter? And how did you know?" She questioned starkly. You hummed lightly before grinning at her, which she scoffed at.

"Well, judging by your outfit alone and your quietness, that pretty much gave it away."

"Whatever. Piss off, go back to the police force, why I'm here isn't any of your business." She grumbled, to which you lifted your eyebrows at her suspiciously.

"I don't seem to remember asking why you're here, ma'am. The idea that you brought it up without me asking must mean that you're anxious as to why you're here. Which leads to the question, what are you anxious about? And why is it such a big deal to you that you couldn't tell the police force about it? Which brings us back to the first question, are you, or are you not with the police force?"

Her frown turned into a scowl at your words. She huffed then turned to the white haired boy, discussing the topic in a whisper where she spoke normal Japanese and the other boy spoke in food ingredients.

Turning back to you, she took your hand and dragged you behind the wall and shoved you against it, holding a staff against your throat. You glanced down at it with a small grimace creeping upon your face.

"Fine. No, I'm not with the police force. But my alliance doesn't matter to you, nor does my reason for being here. Now piss off."

You frowned before she let the staff go then grabbed you by your collar and shoved you back out there.

"She seems pretty nice." You said sarcastically to yourself before skipping over to your father.

"Hello, Y/n. Do you need something?" He asked with a warm smile. You smiled back then looked down at the body before the two of you. Your smile fell as your eyes scanned the poor body that was once human.

"Yeah...that's the one you read about last night." He said quietly. Your eyes widened, before you slowly knelt down to it.

"Please don't touch it. We don't know if it's infected or not and I don't want you getting sick." He said rather firmly. You waved your hand dismissively at him before zooming in on the body.

"Do you know how old they were?" You asked quietly, eyelids hooded at the sight. "No. We don't even know the gender, or even the cause of death yet." He answered bluntly. You nodded slowly before you stood up. Turning your head back to where you were before, you marched over there hastily, as you'd gotten an idea suddenly.

"Hey, ponytail. Do you have any idea what the cause of death was?" You asked, pointing your thumb to the scene. She turned to you, now annoyed by your presence.

"The cause of death was by a-" She started, but was cut off by the shorter boy pressing his hand against her mouth, shaking his head. You lifted a brow at his body language.

Why did you not want her to tell me the cause of death?

He removed his hand from her mouth and she took a breath to continue.

"The cause of death was..." She paused, mentally searching for a lie. You lifted your brow again.

"The cause of death was...?" You repeated, tilting your head and emphasizing for her to continue. She grunted before turning to the left and saw a tall white haired man with bandages over his eyes, waving at the two of them.

The two of them ran off to join the tall man and began walking down the sidewalk. You frowned. You wanted to go follow them, but you couldn't. You weren't allowed to stray far away from the crime scene, as your father instructed you.

You strolled back over to the scene to rejoin your dad. You and him talked for a couple of more minutes.




"Gojo, I think there's a civilian onto us." The girl admitted grumpily, a familiar frown still present on her face. The white haired man, Gojo, chuckled at her sentence. "Really? That's amusing. Do you know their name?" He asked with a grin as they were walking up a mountain.

"No. But they're a pretty smart one, and if Inumaki wasn't there to cut me off, I would've blurted out the entire thing to her." She explained, furrowing one brow underneath the other and clenching her jaw. Gojo chuckled once again, "And you saw her at the scene?" He asked. She nodded.

"Yes. She was with the police force, though she looked a little young, I'm guessing my age. She must've been with her mother or father." She explained again. Gojo nodded his head.

" you want me to do something about it?" He asked, tilting his head towards hers. She nodded slowly in response. He sighed with a smile.

"A request from a precious student of mine. Alright! I'll see what I can do!"

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘; 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐳𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now