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"Why the hell do you have a special grade cursed spirit in your body?"

You blinked twice at his question. "Huh? Special grade cursed spirit?" You questioned, curling a brow in confusion.

Is that seriously what Ryo is?

"Yes that's exactly what I am." Ryo answered your question, which you ignored. "Ah jeez... D'ya know anything about curses? I guess not since you're a civilian. Curses are born from people's negative emotions such as shame, regret, fear, all that. They're typically found in places where people often have bad memories, like schools and hospitals. Depending on how strong the emotions are, those curses can rank from 4th grade to special grade; special grade being the strongest and 4th grade being the weakest. If you're up against a 4th grade, a wooden bat should be enough. A 3rd grade, a handgun is fine. A 2nd grade, it's a close call with a shotgun. Against a 1st grade, even a take might be insufficient. Then there's special grade. You may be on even footing if you carpet it with cluster bombs."

Your jaw dropped slightly as you blinked your eyes once again. "...So what does that have to do with me?" You asked. He chuckled at your response. "So y'know that girl with the ponytail you saw on Saturday?" He replied. You nodded your head slowly. "She goes to a school to learn about curses, and that's where you'll also be going!! Tadaaa!" He chirped with jazz hands. You and Ryo both groaned. Gojo leaned forward closer to your face.

"P.s, I'm doing this so I can suspend your execution, so it'd be nice if you'd make ya gratitude look real" He said with a grin. You jerked up your eyebrows before mustering up the most fake smile ever.

" YAY!! OH I CAN'T WAIT TO GO! THIS IS GONNA HAVE ME BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS ALL NIGHT!" You chirped right before deadpanning your expression. Gojo grinned again and clapped his hands.

"Great! By the way I already informed your parents about curses, so there's no need to tell them. Have your stuff packed by tomorrow afternoon, there'll be someone here to pick you up. See yaaaa!" He chirped before walking off and away from your house.

You turned your head to face him but he was already gone. With a sigh, you opened the door and walked back upstairs to your room.

"YOU'RE GOING THERE OF ALL PLACES?!" Ryo yelled. You sucked your teeth and held the side of your head. "Don't just yell like that. You're gonna give me a headache." You grunted before changing clothes.




In the morning, your mother came into your room and closed your curtains to keep the sun from coming in. She turned your alarm off and began packing your stuff for your trip to that other school Gojo was talking about.

You woke up to the sounds of your mom rustling through your drawers. You sat up and scratched your head and blinked the sleep out of your eyes.

"Well good morning to you too, mother." You chirped, still rubbing your eyes. She turned to you with a chuckle. "Y/n, you don't have to go to school today. Since it's your last day there anyways before you get transferred. Or do you want to go today? To see your friends one last time?" She suggested. You sighed to yourself before giving your answer, "I'll go. Just so I could see my friends one last time."

You weren't really sure if you should call them friends, more like people you hung out with on occasion. Other than school and occasionally hanging out, you didn't really talk with them much. Calling them 'friends' would be a little bit of an overstatement, to you at least, since you considered them plebeians of intelligence.

She nodded before continuing to fold your clothes neatly into your bag.

You waited until she left so you could take your other uniform that was clean and put it on before going to the bathroom to do your morning routine.

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘; 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐳𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now