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"You look so pretty."

You comment, turning to Maki with a sweet smile. The glow of the fire is reflecting off both your faces, making the scene just that much better. She turned to you with a frown and a blush.

"Huh? What're you on about?" She grumbled. The obnoxious laughter and the conversations going on seemed to blur out with the eye contact the two of you are making.

"You heard me." You smiled even more as you leaned in to press a soft kiss against her cheek. Her face began to glow red as she turned to face the opposite direction and pushed you away by your chin. "Shut up." She grumbled once again, and you chuckled.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS, LOVEBIRDS!" Gojo yelled in yours and Maki's ears. You both turned to him with frowns on your faces while he just grinned. He held something in your face before beaming at you.

"Glad you got your ID back?" He asked, waving it in your face. Once he finally stopped waving it around, you snatched it from his hands to get a good look at it.

"Yeah. Thanks." You said grumpily as you set it down next to you. "Alllso, Y/n, how old are you?"


"GREAT! My lucky guess! C'mon out to the front, I gotcha another Christmas present." He chirped while getting up and walking up to the door. You and Maki looked at each other before getting up to follow him, along with the other first years.

"Someone close her eyes!"

"What?! It's not like it's my birthday or anything!"

"Just do it!"

You sighed grumpily while Maki and Panda held their hand and paw up to your eyes. Maki's other hand helped guide you to wherever Gojo was taking you.



"Yes, and so are you! This is her present and reward for coming up with that genius plan and keeping you guys safe!"

You blinked underneath Maki's hand, and she motioned Panda to remove his paw so she could lift her hand up. When her hand left your eyes, the first thing you saw was this fancy car in front of you with a big red bow on top of it.

Your jaw dropped before you began to smile.

"NO WAYYY! THANKS, GOJO!" You squealed as you ran up and hugged him. He laughed as he pat your head.

"Merry Christmas, kiddo!"

"Do you even have a license, Y/n?"

You nodded as you let go from Gojo. Everybody's jaw dropped even further. "AND SHE HAS A LICENSE?!"


"Oh yeah? Then how come when I found 'em he was on his last days? HMMMM?!"


"YEAH! WHICH I GAVE YOU A HEAD START, LOSER!" You teased, blowing a raspberry and pulling your bottom eyelid down.

"Yeah, you guys don't even have a license aside from Toge. But he barely did anything, and Y/n's already of age, courtesy of Shoko's good guess. So that's her reward for that genius plan and for doing the most damage! It also doubles as a Christmas present, so I thought why not?" Gojo chirped. Everybody stared at you with jealous looks on their faces.





𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘; 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐳𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now