Chapter 3

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Unseen Scars

Chapter 3

Tuesday, March 12, 2011 at 3:08 a.m.

I hear the front door open and a bottle smash to the ground.

It's him, i know it just by hearing that bottle smash.

He takes a step away from the door.

6 steps.

That's all it takes to get to my room from the front door.

I hear him take the first step after shutting the front door.

5 steps.

That's all it takes from the hall entrance to my room.

He takes three more quick steps.

2 steps.

That's all it takes from my brothers room to mine.

He takes those two steps and tries to open my door.

"Open up, Ivy. Unless you want to get a beating." he says but i know either way he's going to give me a beating.

So i don't open the door.

I stay sitting up in my bed and watch as my door gets pounded on.

The door vibrates with the pounding.

He yells at me to open the door.

I don't.

He yells for me to unlock it and open the door.

I won't.

My eyes begin to brim with tears as I watch the door.

Than my window opens and my head shoots to where it is with fear.

The fear is unnecessary because who comes in would never hurt me.

Tristan climbs into my room with a metal bat.

I run over to him and cry as the pounding slowly stops.

He wraps his arms around my torso as i cry, holding and comforting me.

My tears run down my face as I watch my door.

Waiting for it to fly open with my father standing in the entrance.

But it doesn't happen and that makes the tears worsen at the thought of how much fear he has put into me.

Tristan tells me little comforting words, not wanting to see me this broken.

The tears slow as I stop thinking about it and just hug my brother.

We stay like that for a minute before he takes and leads me over to my bed.

He sits me down in the middle of the bed and sits on the edge before laying back and sighing heavily.

"Ivy, why didn't you tell me or the others about this? You could have moved away with one of us... away from him. You didn't have to stay here." He said and sighed again before going on. " We've all wondered what they were doing to you... now i guess we have our answer. They treat you like dirt and smack you around like a rag doll."

I blink a few times to get rid of the tears before answering him, "I didn't want to bring you guys back just when you got away from them. Besides my birthday's not long from now so I can go soon. I mean what can they do to me in less than two weeks? I'll be fine for now but once I'm out... I'm never coming back."

I take a deep quivering breath and close my eyes before i talk again.

"You asked me hours ago how many times it happens and how bad it gets." I open my eyes and look him straight in the eyes. "It happens every other night... He comes home drunk and beats on my door until there's blood stains on it and his hands... and it gets worse each day... it sometimes goes so far as to him touching me places that he shouldn't. I have those locks on my door because I'm scared, Tristan."

He nodded in understanding and moved to leave but I grabbed his arm first.

"....Can...can you please sleep in here tonight? I-I don't want to be alone." I ask him with a pleading look in my eyes.

"...Yeah. Scooch over girly." He scooched up to the other pillow on the left side of the bed and laid back.

I scooched back to the right side and laid my head down on my pillow.

Than i moved over next to him and laid my forehead against his shoulder, falling asleep slowly.

"Night Tristan. Love you." i whispered before falling asleep hearing him mumble it back.


I woke up to my alarm clock going off.

Getting up i turned it off and looked over at Tristan.

He was still asleep and drooling all over my pillow.

I mumbled to myself about brothers, drooling, and my poor pillow.

Tristan woke up to the sound of me hurrying to get out of the house.

"Morning Tristan! Did you sleep well?" I asked him in a sweet, caring tone; smiling to him while pulling on my tennis shoes.

He yawned and smiled a little before answering me, "Morning. Yep it was pretty good. how you getting to school?"

"Um... I was going to walk there like I usually do. What are you going to do all day since I'm not going to be here to hang out with you?" I asked back.

He shrugged than held up a finger telling me to wait.

I held the door knob as he got up, waiting as he asked.

"I'll take you to school. Let me go get dressed... Stay in here, though. Don't come out of your room til I knock  twice. Okay?" He said before leaving through my window and shutting it.

I nodded to myself as I got my bag and put my things into it.

Finish packing my school bag i sat on my bed and waited.

After a short five minutes i heard two quick knocks on my door.

I got up, unlocked each lock, and opened the door to my brother.

He smiled and held up his truck keys.

Smiling back I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the front door.

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