Chapter 3: The Vampire Sets Foot in Town

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I would be lying if I did not say I felt a little awkward at this moment. Here I was, sitting on the porcelain throne of our summer estate. Miranda's crimson eyes peered at me with expectation. An expectation that golden fluid would pour from my body into the hydraulic seat beneath me.

Minutes passed by without me doing anything than sitting here. Supposedly I was due to go potty, hence why I was sitting here. I wanted to regain my potty-training status, too, after all. All I could do was sit here for the time being.

"Ssss," my fluids began to pour. Sure took long enough for me to initiate my business. Only this was the beginning of my potty training. Following this moment, it should steadily get easier...right? I honestly do not recall being potty trained as a child if it was difficult or easy.

"Very good milady," Miranda smirked. She supported me off the seat, washed my hands, and out of the restroom. On the wall next to the bathroom was a chart with each of our names. "That gives you a gold star for today!" The chart was our potty-training chart. It was a rather cute weekly calendar converted for our potty-training report. I wasn't sure why Miranda had one made for us, but it did at least keep us on track. Supposedly she was trained, and perhaps this was influenced by her training?

Sharon and Lana were also gold star holders for today. It looks like potty training might be a thing of the past in no time for us girls. Once we stepped downstairs, Miranda's grin turned into a sigh, and she glared at Abbey, who walked by with a smile.

"Abbey, you need a change." Miranda gathered the grinning girl. Given we all wore Vampers during our summer stay, Miranda would be able to tell the status of our diapers through a mana connection.

"Hehe," Abbey dashed up the stairs. "I'll do better next time!"

Well, most of us are doing excellent in potty training. Abbey was a nice girl, though I guess she really can be a troublesome child.

Miranda was a skilled changer, so Abbey soon bopped back on the ground floor. Miranda sighed behind her, most likely having marked an accident on the chart for Abbey.

"Alright, girls," Miranda hoisted a bag, secretly containing diapers, over her shoulder. "We shall start exploring the town now."

"Yay!" Abbey cheered. Even though the rest of us had not joined Abbey's cheering, we smiled. We all shared her enthusiasm for exploring unknown territory. I was curious to put together the location of countless tales I have read.

Before we exited, we wrapped a mantle around our shoulders. A current fashion trend for females in Madist was wearing mantles. Hence, we made sure to prepare several in advance for us to wear. Abbey wore a pink mantle, Sharon wore a black mantle, Lana a white, and Miranda wore a red. As for me, I wore a mantle that had a fluffy white rim with a black and blue checker pattern. Supposedly particular mantle's represented status in town, though I'd be the judge of that.

Now that we were adorned with a cute mantle, we should not be judged as outsiders. At least that was what we were hoping. Mages had to scan a person with magic before identifying what race they were. With these mantles, we at least appeared to be ordinary witches on appearance.

Outside, the estate opened to a unique world from Prima. The floral life growing around was a mixture of autumn oranges with spring greens. Trees from a distance did not shape too differently from Primal trees. Upon a closer inspection from brush nearby, the leaves appeared as if two Primal leaves were merged into one. Grass also had orange tips, which gave a warm feeling.

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