Chapter 8: The Vampire Reunites With a Friend

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My eyes were tightly shut before the hounds were about to pounce on me. With no way to strike back, I was destined to be taken down.

Before my worries continued, magic spiked next to me to gigantic proportions. Followed by a slam and wincing of multiple beasts.

When I opened my eyes, the leaping hounds were no longer present. What replaced them was a silver-colored fluffy coated, with pink streaks of fur. I looked up to see wings spread apart and a ferocious face. Mirabelle had assumed her dragon form before me. She looked adorable in dragon form, and I tried reaching out to give her a scratch.

"GROOOOA!" Mirabelle roared out. The wolf-packed looked like they were about done here now that a dragon had entered the fray. For some reason, they were unable to leave and were just barking as they backed up ever so slightly. Whatever the magical presence was here, it forced these poor beasts against their control.

"I-I'm sorry," Mirabelle stated. "I'm probably scary to you..."

I shook my head, "No, that isn't it." I smiled brightly as I looked into her sour expression. "You're a super adorable dragon!"

Mirabelle sniffled in her dragon state, "Thanks." She looked over the pack that wished to pack it in. Taking their troubled state into consideration, Mirabelle lowered her body. "Get on. I can get us out of here fast."

The offer of a ride was very appealing to me at this moment. I climbed up onto Mirabelle's back and held onto her fur. My wet Vampers Easy-Up did mush onto her coat, but I don't think she could tell I was wearing one regardless.

"Okay, hold on!" Mirabelle announced before her wings flapped, taking us off the ground. I held onto her back as tight as I could, feeling the wind on my face. My hair and skirt fluttered in the air as she flew past the trees.

On top of the forest, we could see the distant school buildings. Mirabelle then gently flew to the destination in sight.

"Thanks for helping me get my stone back," Mirabelle stated. "And not being so afraid of me."

"How could I? You are my precious friend. Plus, you are so cute!" I gave her a few scratches.

"Hehe!" Mirabelle giggled.

"I am curious what that stone is?"

"It's a dragon stone. When a dragon is born, we have to store our energy in a special stone. Otherwise, we kind of just lose it."

"I see. So, it is because of that stone you can transform into a dragon?"


"Oh, neat! So, that stone has your essence, then? That must be the connection I felt when you touched it."

"Yeah, when I am with my stone, there really isn't anything I should be afraid of."

"Haha," I laughed. Though, we both wet ourselves...

Once we made it out of the forest and onto the campus, Mirabelle landed. She ensured I was safely off before reverting back to her human form. We looked at each other with bright smiles. Holding each other's hands, we walked back to the school. I was starting to wonder where my friends had gone off to.

"Just stop there!" an adult called out. Before we could move another inch, a magical whip wrapped itself around Mirabelle and yanked her forward from my grasp. Her bag fell to the ground, and I swiftly picked it up. I did not want another repeat from before, after all. The adult witch had to have been an instructor. There was a wizard next to her as well as the bully sans her cronies.

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