My love, My everything

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You ever had a love so intense, so passionate, so real I'm talking about doing anything and everything for that person even if it meant looking like a damn fool to everyone else

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You ever had a love so intense, so passionate, so real I'm talking about doing anything and everything for that person even if it meant looking like a damn fool to everyone else. That even after it was over it was 10x harder to get over that person and even after you got "over" that person he or she still lingers in the back of you're mind every so often.

Yeah well this is changkyun story, he's only felt like that once it was like drug and that drug was called love,passion and lust mixed into one syringe. The highs were amazing like it was a never ending rainbow colorful and euphoric feeling. The down was the worst, it felt like all the air would be sucked out of you and an aching pain in you're heart just wouldn't go away, it wouldn't let you sleep or eat and it didn't matter how hard you tried to fix yourself  some how your mind would always circle back to him.

Changkyun pov

Lee Jooheon was my Mr. Wrong, always there when it seemed to mattered but it never felt like he was fully invested in the relationship like I was. When we were a together he was an aspiring rapper so all his focus would be on his music career, it's not a bad thing but add a relationship in the mix, a toxic one at that it makes for very complicated ordeal.

I met him at you're typical college party, he was the popular bad boy on campus. I was the sweet shy guy (So I've been told) that kept to himself most of the time. He had been talking to a friend of mine and I went to greet my friend and that's when I saw him sitting down in a leather jacket full on man spreading, I unconsciously checked him out he noticed giving me smirk when I noticed his deep dimples.

"you look cute when you blush" making my cheeks even redder, we got to talking and exchanged numbers which it took him a whole week to text me that should of been the first red flag. But whatever I was young and dumb we talked for about a month until he officially asked me ask me to be his boyfriend I felt like love at first sight with him, or maybe it was lust at first sight I was a virgin when I met him so he was my first, he did make that night pretty special though.

We had a movie night he asked me to wear his sweater and nothing else he loved how big it looked on me and he ended up shirtless we cuddled on the mattress he set up in the living along with candles spread out and a projector to watch movies. A thin blanket barely covering our naked bodies, our legs entangled together me laying on his chest after our intense love making
"kyunie, you're so beautiful, I want to write a song as beautiful as you baby" all I could feel was butterflies in my tummy my heart doing flips.
"I'm so happy I found you, I'm happy you got to be my first Joo" I whispered to him he leaned down and kissed me.

After our first year and a half together it went down hill I didn't realize how damaged he was how messed up his parents left him I had to learn the hard way. He started doing underground rap and I was  busy trying to get my teaching degree. He would get invited to parties sometimes then wouldn't come come at all until I found why he wouldn't come home, he would get high and couldn't face me afterwards, then he would just spend more time at the studio writing song or out with his friends I hardly became a priority for him.

"What the hell is this?" shoving him a lipgloss and a note with a phone number
"i don't know" trying to find an excuse.
"Did you sleep with her?" He gave me his stupid confused look he always does.
"I didn't sleep with her I promise"  he tried reaching out to me but I pulled away.
"No your promises don't mean shit to me anymore"

We lasted four years it was a shit show, arguments all the time there were times we didn't even care if other people were in the room, don't get me started on the trust issues I would  literally catch random numbers texting him then I would flirt with random guys on purpose then jooheon causing a scene to break out. We were just so toxic for each other the last fight was the worst one we had, we had been invited to a club opening he was talking to one of his hoes he always denied it but whatever I was pissed i had noticed some random guy checking me and I didn't waste time asking him to dance it didn't last very long until jooheon found me yanked me away and punch the dude in the face.

Hi, so basically all the flashbacks will mostly be changkyun pov.
Hope you enjoy!

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