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A PICTURE of a baby girl and a laughing, 19 year old, Sirius Black. 

Who knew that was enough to make a grown man cry?

Yet, here was a 36 year old Sirius Black..crying in the middle of an abandoned nursery at Black Manor. The same nursery that belonged to his goddaughter..well,his first godchild. 

Oh how he missed little Delilah. He remembered the day he met her for the very first time. He remembered how tired Lily looked..yet she had a bright smile adorning her face.

And James..his best friend was practically jumping up and down with joy...pride practically glowed out of him.

Yes, it was an extremely memorable day...a day he would always cherish. One of his best memories.

Yes, Delilah Marie Potter was nothing more than a memory now. And Sirius was sure that everyone knew it...he could feel the pitting looks every time June 1st came around.  

He saw how James and Lily locked themselves in their home every time this day came, how they didn't let anyone come in. How they tried protecting their youngest children,just as they wished they could have protected Delilah.

Remus, on the other hand, would stay far away from the Potters and from the Black's...he too was mourning. Tonks,Remus's wife, had once mentioned to him how Remus spent June 1st looking at a picture of Delilah...just like he did. 

Harry James Potter, his second godchild. His sweet and caring nephew would sent him a letter each time this day came around...telling him how much he loved him..his dogfather.

Delilah Euphemia Potter..Remus's goddaughter..she was adopted into the family five years after the oldest Potter's disappearance..and she was named after her older sister...and it didn't matter to anyone that she wasn't related to the Potters. Because she too spent this day alone..imagining a world where she had a sister. Someone to gossip about boys and a partner in crime who could help her prank Harry.

Yes, June 1st was hard for everyone.

Sirius gently traced a finger over the picture in his hands,"I'm sorry....i'm so sorry..If I hadn't been on that business trip..maybe things would have been different. Maybe you would still be with us. You would be at Hogwarts..finishing your seventh year. Maybe you would have gotten into Gryffindor,Marie.Or would you have been a Hufflepuff? I wish I could have known."

The Lord Black grabbed the bottle of firewhiskey that was next to him before looking around the room. A light pink,perfectly preserved with magic,covered the walls. A small wooden crib was in the corner and right next to it was a pile of unopened toys...something Sirius had bought over the years. They were birthday presents for his missing goddaughter.

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