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EPISODE 2: "The Weirdo on Maple Street"

Part 3

Part 3

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The scene changed and we are now at the Wheeler's home. Mrs.Wheeler and Holly are in the Wheeler wagon just driving away. As the wagon leaves frame,Mike riding his bike enters frame.

Mrs.Wheeler sent her son a scolding look making Mike look at her sheepishly.

The scene changed and now Mike and El could be seen come up from the basement and enter a hallway. They're walking to the kitchen. 

"You want anything to drink?We have OJ,skim milk. What else?",Mike told her.

The camera changed scenery and El could be seen stopping at the living room; adjacent to the kitchen. The first thing she sees is the television. Mike joins her staring at the TV,"Oh,this is my living room. It's mostly just for watching TV. Nice right? It's a twenty-two inch. That's like ten-times bigger than Dustin's."

Not so interested, El walks away and continues checking out the rest of the living room. On the fireplace mantel are family photos.The young girl then proceeds to walk up to the mantel in order to take a closer look. Several pictures such as Mike and Nancy's school photographs,a professionally taken picture of Molly,a family photo,and another picture of Molly are the ones displayed. 

Eleven looks at the picture of Nancy and smiles,"Pretty."

Nancy sent Eleven a smile,"Thank you.You're really pretty too..",she looked at Mike,"..right Mike?"

Mike shyly nodded at Eleven before sending his sister a glare. 

"I guess. That's my sister,Nancy.",Mike told her,"And that's baby Holly. And those are my parents. What are your parents like?"

He received no answer.

"Do they live close?"

El just walked over to a La-z-boy. She takes a closer look,feeling the fabric.

"That's our La-z-Boy.",Mike chuckled,"That's where my dad sleeps...you can try it if you want.You can try it if you want."

El looks for encouragement as she slowly and warily steps around the La-z-Boy. Mike watched her actions a bit curiously,"Yeah."

The girl didn't pay him much attention,instead she slowly sat down on the big comfortable chair.The Wheeler boy knelt down beside her,"It's fun!"He reached for the arm of the chair on the side. 

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