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"Chapter 1:The Vanishing of Will Byers"

Part 5

Part 5

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We're still at Benny's burgers.Benny is now on a corded phone in the kitchen. Voice hushed,"All I know is, poor thing's scared to death... confused...I think she's been abused or kidnapped or somethin'.(beat)It's 4819 Randolph Lane. Randolph,right.(beat, starts to spell)R-A-N --"

Lily smiled a bit,"I'm glad he's doing a good thing."

Eleven,on the other hand, sighed and looked down. She felt a bit of guilt for this man's death. All he wanted to do is help her..and he was killed. All because of her.

We return to where "Eleven" is finishing off her fries. She becomes aware of a soft, HIGH-PITCHED NOISE. Eeeee. Eeee. Eeee. She looks up. It's an old and rusty OSCILLATING METAL FAN. It squeaks with every turn. Eeeee. Eeee. Eeeee.It is incessant. Annoying. Eleven narrows her eyes and --The fan and the blades stop. Like they somehow froze.Eleven looks away. Content now.She continues eating her fries.

"You are so adorable,kid.",Sirius told Eleven.

The scene changed and we are now back at the Holland's home. It's a new room. It's walls are..interesting. One wall is dusty pink, one is baby blue, though two are beige. There are pictures up on the walls....these have been taken by Jonathan.

"The colors of your room are..interesting.",Delilah told Lizzie.

"I like it..it suits you",Max told Lizzie.

Eleven nodded,"It does."

There is one picture,in particular, where Elizabeth can be seen running and laughing as she's being chased by the boys. 

Joyce smiled at that picture.All the kids looked so happy.

Lily frowned a bit, that should be Harry,Delilah,and Lizzie running around and laughing together.

There is another one of a young Lizzie and Barb.

Sirius smiled sadly,he didn't get to see his goddaughter grow up.

There is a small trophy display hanged up on the wall. Even though its small,it's filled with trophies and some medals. We zoom in a bit and there are many golden and silver medals. These are trophies and medals for swimming and many academic competitions,though these look like they are a few years old. 

Many gaped at the screen.

"You are that smart?",Delilah asked Lizzie with a bit of pride in her tone.

Lizzie nodded.Nancy then turned to her,"I don't remember you winning the academic trophies."The Wheeler girl didn't sound jealous,she actually sounded impressed..and she was.

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