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"Chapter 1: The  Vanishing of Will Byers"

Part 3

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We tilt from the darkening sky to find the Byers house. The laundry hangs. It billows a bit in the gathering wind...A storm is coming...Inside the house,Jonathan Byers, 16, Will's older brother, cooks breakfast. He is lanky with long hair. Quietly handsome... but he wouldn't believe it if you told him.

"I won't deny that he's kind of cute.",Delilah muttered to her brother.

Harry looked at her then over at Jonathan and Nancy then back at Delilah,"And he has a girlfriend."

"I only said he's cute,Harry. I never said I wanted to date him."

"Where the hell are they?!", His mom, Joyce Byers, late 30s, asked as she races past, frazzled . She wears a wrinkled "Melvald General Store" uniform,"Dammit!"

"Check the couch."

Joyce does. She finds her keys under a cushion. Thank God.She snatches them up, gives Jonathan a quick peck on the cheek, and races for the door, only to pause at the last second, realizing something. She turns back to Jonathan,"Will? Where's Will?"

"Glad she finally remembers her son.",Lily muttered.

"Sleeping, I guess.",Jonathan told her.

"You gotta make sure he's up,Jonathan, how many times -- ?"

"I'm making breakfast --"

Joyce shakes her head. Irritated. She hurries down the hallway. Clasp her hands,"Will -- Will come on, get up.",Joyce throws open the door to Will's room. It's empty

She strides back over to Jonathan. Worried now,"He came home last night, right?"

Lily looked outraged. How can a mother not know if her son didn't come home last night?!

Jonathan looked at her,"He's not in his room?"

"He come home or not?"

"I don't know --"

"You don't know?"

"I got back late, I was working --"

"You were working?"

"Eric asked if I could cover for him, I said yeah; I figured we could use the cash --",Jonathan told his mother.

"We talked about this -- I told you not to take shifts on nights I'm tending, I specifically told you --",Joyce told her son.

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