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EPISODE 2:"The Weirdo On Maple Street"

Part 4

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BACK IN THE WHEELER'S home,Mike and El are in Mike's room,kneeled in front of a table full of toys. The boy was trying to drown a Yoda figurine while El looked mildly amused and confused. 

"You are such a nerd.",Steve told Mike. 

"And your girlfriend isn't?",the boy responded.

Lizzie glared at the boy,"Don't bring me into this,Wheeler!Because you won't like how it ends."

"Sorry Liz."

Nancy leaned towards Jonathan with a smirk,"She didn't deny that she's his girlfriend."

"I know.",he replied with an amused smile.

"Ready are you? What knows you of ready?",Mike imitated Yoda's voice before changing back into his normal voice,"His name's Yoda. He can use the force to move things with his mind,like this."He pushed all the toys off the table.

Delilah frowned,"We can do that too."

Sirius snorted,"Oh pup, Yoda is definitely cooler though."

"How do you know Yoda?",Remus looked at him confused.

"Um hello? Muggle-loving blood traitor over here. I of course have watched Star Wars. It's amazing!"

El stood up and walked over to the bookshelf while Mike stayed behind at the table,picking up a dinosaur toy,"Oh,this is my dinosaur,Rory. Look,he has a speaker in his mouth so he can roar."

"You know something...you can be adorable sometimes, 4.",Lizzie told the boy.

Dustin turned to El,"See! What did I tell you! She tells that to everyone." The girl looked at him without a care making him huff.

Lizzie only rolled her eyes at the boy's dramatics,"What,Henderson? Do you want me to say you're the most adorable one out of all of them?" Dustin only looked at her and she already knew the answer 'Yes.'.

"You are the most adorable little rat.",Lizzie told him before smirking,"Even when you're jealous.", her words made Dustin smile before rolling his eyes. The girl only chuckled before noticing that Steve was looking at her,"What? Don't tell me you're jealous too?"

"Of Henderson? Pshh, No!"

Lizzie looked at him amused before leaning more towards him,"You're the prettiest of them all,Steve." She held in a laugh when he blushed.

"S-Shut up!"

Meanwhile,James frowned. He did not like this. Not at all.

Yet Eleven did not pay attention,she was more focused on the trophies on the bookshelf. Noticing this,Mike put Rory down and followed her,"Oh,these are all my science fair trophies. We got first every year. Except last year,when we got third.Mr. Clarke said it was totally political."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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