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"Chapter 1:The Vanishing of WIll Byers"

Part 2

Part 2

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The scene changed and now Lizzie opening the trunk of her car,where Lucas' bike is at. The boy takes it out,though Dustin helps him.

"Do you do that every single time you drop them off?",James asked Lizzie,"By that I mean, shove their bikes wherever they fit inside your car."

"Yeah,though,I obviously only do it when they bring their bikes."

"Take care,Sinclair.",the older girl told him,"Say hi to your parents for me and tell Erica she still owes me those five bucks."

Lizzie huffed,"She did give me the money."

Harry frowned,"If she did get you the money, why are you huffing."

"Because she said my outfit from that day made me look fat.",The strawberry blond him outraged,"And that is not true. I looked cute."

"Believe whatever you want.",Lucas chuckled,only to shut up when he noticed the look Lizzie was sending him. 

Lucas nodded at her before looking at his friends,"See ya,ladies."Then he started walking towards a two-story house.

"Kiss your mom 'night for me.",Dustin retorted.

Lily frowned and huffed.

Though this time,it was Joyce who gave her a look.This woman has barely spoken two words to her missing daughter and she rather spend her time scolding children who aren't hers?

Lucas,who did hear him,flips him the bird causing Lizzie to chuckle.

The girl then looked at the two boys next to her,"Okay,guys. Get in the car."

"Wait.Liz. Can Will and I bike to my house instead?",Dustin asked her.

Elizabeth frowned,"In the dark?"

"You can drive behind us..you know..lighting us with your car.",Will told her.

Lizzie seemed to think about it for a second before nodded,"Okay..but if you two try to peddle fast I will run you over with my car,got it?"

Lily turned to Elizabeth,"Young Lady.That's not very responsible of you."

LIzzie turned to her,"Oh shut up.I have been babysitting those little rats for years. You don't get to tell me how I can treat them.",she points at Joyce,"If their mom's don't have any complains about me, then you shouldn't either."

Joyce turned to Lily,"Mrs.Potter..Um,Lily. Lizzie is a very responsible young woman,I assure you that. She takes care of the kids as if they were her own."

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