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To say that things spiraled out of control would be an understatement. Think cartwheeled, performed several back-flips, hit a springboard, sailed through the air and landed in the audience levels of bad!

I realized after being captured, when in the field below me prisoner after prisoner was being released, then bubbled, then knocked all over the playing board like a game of marbles, that  Lucyfar was the problem.

Including Lucyfar in this mission, had been like including a pro baseball player in a kids cricket team. She wasn't playing the same game, and she was way stronger than everyone else!

"Why, why do all this. This isn't your style Bad Penny!" Standing in the former control center for what had been the most advanced, best prison in the country, surrounded by small people only a foot tall who were vainly trying to salvage some control before everything fell apart, I actually felt sorry for my decisions.

For a moment. Looking down at the still disoriented Audit, i sighed. "This isn't my style. My plan had been to try and break out relatives  of some of my team, and if my initial plan failed to ditch  the mission and take the payout!" I told her candidly.

"Then why do all this?" I shrugged in response to the Audit's question. Perhaps too human a gesture for the robot I pretended to be, but nevermind. "Oh, Lucyfar is completely off script and off the rails. But, the end results are what matters." 

I hesitated, mother was drawing shapes on the ground with her hand, a  spell? No, letters. P... My heart skipped a beat as another P was drawn! 

AAAH! Is she trying to convey she knows?

Did Dad tell her after all?

A. R.  i ...

I blinked,  wondering what would convey on the mask, then realization dawned. Apparition, I'd missed the A.

Leaving over my mother I laughed, "Sorry Miss Audit, you're going to take a nap real soon. I promise I'll try to leave something salvageable, and if I can we'll being some of the escapee's back. I wouldn't want you to think I'm irresponsible.

Reaching into the sleeve of my glove, I palmed out the last of the cursed pennies I'd had with me. No, of course I didn't give all of them to Raven,  they were useful damnit! Tossing it lightly at my mother's kneeling body, I felt the usual itch at the back of my mind. Lately I'd been more aware of it, like something detaching from me, reaching out and laying a paw, tentacle or thread over my target!

Bad Penny! I thought we agreed, no more cursed pennies till I know what they are?" I blanched, having been caught in a lie. waving a hand in a 'not now gesture to Raven.

Wait- RAVEN! What had entered the room sounded like Raven, but was instead the large billowy cloud  of darkness I'd seen in on the holo-scanner at the lab! I had soo many questions, but I had to prioritize! "Apparition, that is you in there right?" 

"The Audit's mind is like a steel trap, I couldn't pry my way in!"I nodded, it would be.

Apparition would know what she'd done to the power systems, and where I had to go to fix them. But first, "Raven! I know this is extreme, but-"

"But nothing! Lower the barrier, Crow will be outside by now, we need to stop the break out!" I stared at her for a moment, trying to process. 

Okay, yes. With the dome open every villain not still tied to their cell would be running for the exit; "Raven, Go hero! Organize any of our team who want to help, block the hole around the dome the best you can! Apparition, you're going to help me restore power! Then we all meet back at the middle to warp out!"

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