Miss A

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I led Marcia and Ray on a merry chase, in this situation I was the villainous birdo mc bird-face who had stolen a poor girl's phone. She never even got to see the phone call from her fathers butlers, or assistant or whoever. Instead we raced out into the city, across buildings and trees.

Ray egged her on, "If we've been doing all this training, we should be able to catch one dumb bird!" Ouch, that stung Ray! Okay so I'm playing a role but that still hurt coming from him.

"Why do You even wanna help in the first place! Just head back to your nerd girl." Marcia just couldn't have a normal conversation, everything she said had a barb in it. "Or what, do you have some stupid crush or something?" That sentence almost sounded like a flirt.

"Believe it or not, I'm here with Penny's blessing!" The boy pulled out his phone, pulled up a message app and showed Marcia the staged conversation from earlier. Something about "If we're ever gonna do hero work we should get to know some side-kicks!"

"AAArg! I didn't think !" from my hiding position I watched Marcia snatch for Ray's phone only to have him pull it away, then exchanged a couple of passes as the new phone became a focus.

"You idiot, I need that to track my phone! I'll log into my account, then we'll have a map right to it!" Marcia stumbled upon a good plan.

Ray handed over his phone with a confused "Okay."

Hopefully Marcia wouldn't think to call her guardian right now. Text messages were coming through on her phone as all this happened, and tapping the screen with a talon showed words like "Mansion attacked" and "Co-ordinate with Greaves!" and "Do you receive!"

The instincts that come with being a bird suddenly pinged in my head and I desperately tried to both grab the phone and take to the air as a rock, traveling at high speed went straight through the space I'd stood with extreme precision.

Looking down the road, about half a city block away, the aggravated sidekick fumed in the streets! She'd just thrown a rock harder and further than the best baseball players could hope to, and almost hit me!

Sheesh! Behind her Ray shrugged, so I changed direction, putting the phone gingerly on top of a power pole, then swooping at the kids menacingly. Marcia might actually try to hurt me, but I'd heal as I shape-shifted so everything would work out. All we needed to do was buy time!

Ray made his strategy to try and grab me, and for a bit he held me by the legs, holding on as I fluttered around, pulling him this way and that in a comedic fashion. Marcia stuck with the rock throwing and it took every ounce of muscle memory to avoid the rocks.

Something niggled at the back of my mind as the fight drew out. What had been the plan again? Claire would let us know when the attack on the mansion had finished. Marcia's phone on top of the pole had stopped buzzing and pinging a little while ago and, trying to gain height, I panicked. Where was Claire?

Abandoning the farce I kept climbing, leaving the phone on the pole and idly saw the confused reactions from the kids below. With the distraction gone obviously Marcia decided to climb and retrieve her phone.

From the sky I searched for Claire, she'd gone to keep Marcia's driver busy. Only the car wasn't nearby either!

"Not Good, Not Good, Not Good!" I called out as I swooped back to Ray, calling out as I approached, "Claire! Claire's Gone! Claire is GONE! CLAIRE IS GONE!"

"WHAT!" Ray looked at me as I banked down sprawling across the ground as speed, shifting, twisting from the now injured bird form and warping back through .

"What the hell! Ray Viles! What is that and why can it talk!"

I watched Ray think as his brain clued across my casually revealing my abilities, as though a green bird had been any less obvious. Marcia jumped from the power-pole phone in hand as she demanded "What is the Meaning of this! What the Hell is going on here!" And her first attack was only thwarted by quick thinking.

Ray bowed. Deeply. Japanese style, arms straight, bent at the waist. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a hat made from black paper, shook it out so that it turned into a flat wide brimmed hat. His Reviled hat. I remained silent as Marcia glared at the boy, a white mask with a beak of a nose soon joining the rest of the costume.

"No. No, you can't. But that means! So Penny is.... AAAA HAA HA HA HA HA HA !" Marcia clearly found this funny, breaking into hysterical laughter. "I Named Bad Penny, Penny, Bad Oh MY WORD!" Then she kicked Reviled so hard he went flying backwards.

He didn't even try to dodge, simply took the hit, then stood up again brushing himself off.

"Claire is Missing. She was supposed to keep your Driver busy while the Villain League -" I hesitated, leaping out the way as Miss A proceeded to attack the villains, us but I still tried to talk reason with her. "We don't have time for this! Claire must have gone to the Mansion!"

Ray rushed in, legs and arms locked with Miss A as each of them scrambled for a purchase on the other. Ray's super strength let him push through her too human attacks though and for a brief moment she was thrown into the air. In that second Ray got in behind her, pinning the girls arms to her back and holding her off the ground.

It wouldn't hold long, but Ray only needed to speak. "The league of Heroes declared the Original Vigilante. We were ordered to keep you away from a team of assassins who are trying to take him out!" That got Miss A's attention and she did something I didn't quite catch to break free of Ray's grip.

"I need to go!" the girl started running, madly tapping on her phone.

"Changeling! Horse!" Hearing the order, I complied, transforming into a large horse easily capable of handling them both. No, on second thought I needed to be bigger, faster! As Ray bodily picked up the fleeing Marcia, tossing her onto my back, I made a conscious effort to be Bigger.

Bigger, Faster, stronger! I needed to at least be as fast as a car if I was going to accomplish anything. Muscles ripped and rippled as I both pushed them so hard they broke, then healed them with transformations.

"If you were distracting me. Why help? What does E-Claire not being here mean!"

"It means!" Ray asserted, "Either something bad happened to her, or something bad is about to happen. If you want to save The Original, then right now we're going the same way."

"I." Marcia hesitated. "My guardian, the Original. He can handle himself, but a lot of my nurses and maids mean more to me. They'll be fighting too, and he won't hesitate to sacrifice them."

I pushed myself to go faster.

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