Eddie x forced villain-saved! reader : Im here, you're safe now

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Basically you were under vecnas control until the group managed to make you snap out of it- well Eddie make you snap out of it. While they save you from vecna. (I really made y/n the MAIN character 💀)
TW: mental breakdown, gore mentioned(graphic words). This story is angst/fluff so for all my bees and wasps who love this man as a Comfort character too this is for u!
Major warning : spoilers will be in these so read with caution.
Your POV:

     You opened your eyes as You looked around, everything was mangled and pieces of a house floating around- presumably the Creel house. Your arms and legs were held to a wall of the house.. as your eyes finished adjusting You saw dead bodies- Making you start to grow uneasy.. they had no eyes, their bodies were disoriented and twisted, while also blood dripping from the loose eye sockets and some even from the mouth. While mentally freaking out and trying to get out of these tentacles? Or whatever was holding you, You then heard loud footsteps across the demented floor..  Your eyes widened as You immediately knew who he was..your friends and Plus yourself, called him Vecna, One, or just Henry.,

"Look what we have here... Y/n.. "

"The hell do you want Vecna bitch." You hissed,

"Oh cmon, y/n. I don't think you would want to speak to me that way. Considering what I'm about to offer..." Vecna stood In front of you and lifted your chin,

"I'm offering to save your friends. Not to mention that boyfriend of yours~." His eyes narrowed into yours. Wait boyfriend? Who was he..

"What boyfriend are you talking about" You jeered. You felt tears threatening to fall.. You didn't want to die,

"You don't think I've seen how you and that Eddie, is it? Grow closer. Would be a shame if I took him as my next victim..." he traced his long claw down the side of your face while a single tear left your eye, You'd admit That you grew a little.. ok a big crush on your close friend Eddie Munson. No You haven't told him yet.. which makes you want to cry harder..

"Just kill me. Not him nor any of my other friends.. please." You begged looking into a cold glare,

"Well here's the offer.. you have a strong mind. Not like mine, but if you let me put you under my control. I won't kill your friends, unless they try to stop me. Then I might. But atleast you still can see them." A small smirk kinda formed on Vecna's face,

"What's the catch." You narrowed my eyes,

"You'll see everything I make you do, you'll feel it.  But you can't say anything.. I'll be speaking through you. Plus, you get to have powers while I use you." Vecna tilted his head keeping a cold and cruel glare.

"You promise to not hurt my friends.." You asked raising a brow,

"I'm a man of my word.." he backed away slightly,

"Fine. Only if you won't hurt my friends." Vecna slowly released you of the hold. But as soon as you were free, you were put in another hold that took over your body.

"I forgot to mention.. I'm not gonna hurt your friends.. but you will."You felt tears stream down your cheeks as your eyes clouded slightly. You  soon realized.. You weren't  in control anymore.. you could see, hear, and feel everything.. you could think, but when you tried to speak, Vecna's voice just talked through you,

"I told you.. they won't hear your voice." Not even 3 minutes after he spoke he made your head turn in a direction.

"We'll look who decided to join us." You started to walk in that direction.. he made you teleport over even. What you saw almost made you want to scream.. you saw your friends, you saw Eddie.. they were all looking frantically.. he made you hear them talking,

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