Eddie X FEM! Reader : I fell in love with the freak

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I think you guys can understand the basic idea. But this will be a semi-dramatic chapter. Im not gonna spoil it though so I hope you enjoy it!(also this isn't a Jason slander. To some extent he was in pain in S4, but that's just my opinion :) )

TW: fighting / smoking / cheesy asf / fluff / blood/ cussing
Your POV:

     You looked around your table, Jason was chattering about to his friends with his arm slung around you. One of your closest friends, Chrissy, was next to you despite you being the current girlfriend of Jason. While he was chatting you had zoned out looking at, what Jason called , the freak table. You weren't sure why you kept looking over there. Jason always told you to stay away from them but you couldn't help it. They were so free and didn't have to follow any kind of clothing rules and just be themselves. Were you just jealous of their freedom? You weren't sure. However you always thought they were cool- granted you never met them up close in personal but. Jason would never let you get near them. Always stating that you are too good for them and only perfect for him. You were snapped out of your thoughts when Jason snapped his fingers in your face,

"Hello? Y/n? Are you even paying attention??" He asked sounding annoyed,

"Oh uh- yes- why?" You replied chuckling nervously. You could see his eyes studying your features, you took a quick glance at the "freak" table and his head turned towards it,

"Are you daydreaming about fucking Munson?!" He semi-yelled. You furrowed your eyebrows in anger,

"What? I've never even met him. One, who is this Munson and two, why are you getting so heated??" You rolled your eyes and you could see Jason huff,

"Well one, he's the leader of that freak table and two you're MY girlfriend stop making goo goo eyes at them." He then huffed turning back to his other friends and talking once more. However, you had enough of hearing his voice. You stood up and mumbled,

"I need air." And with that you left the cafeteria, you could hear Chrissy's sneakers not far off from behind you.

"Woah hey y/n you alright?" Chrissy placed a hand on your shoulder once you guys got outside,

"Chrissy, can you believe him?! He just assumes literally everything that has to do with the 'freak' table. It's so annoying." You groaned.

"Yea not gonna lie y/n, he does kinda overreact you know. Although I'm sure he actually cares for you!" She tried to reassure you but you just groaned,

"Well it doesn't damn well feel like it." You rubbed your temples, then you and Chrissy heard steps coming towards you. And to your luck it was your "amazing" boyfriend,

"Look y/n I'm sorry. I just don't want you taken away by those freaks." He placed a hand on your shoulder. You just sighed,

"It's fine." He then took you by the hand and took you back inside.. sitting back down you just zoned out for the rest of the day wanting it to end.

/ time skip brought to you by my sleep deprivation /

     That night you snapped at Jason,

"Why do you care so much about me looking over at a table of people who are carefree and just play a board game." Jason was taken aback from your statement,

"Have I not made myself clear? They are FREAKS. They are a bad influence and I don't want you hanging around devil worshippers. Don't tell me you started to like them- you haven't met any of them!" He snapped back,

"Well maybe I don't wanna wear the same crap everyday Jason! You loved me once. Now you are just being possessive of me." A tear drained down your cheek as you crossed your arms,

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