KAS!Eddie X Reader : You are my monster

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So this is basically you trying to keep Eddie's hunger at bay(kinda not really), kind of a part 2 to I'll never leave your side. Plus I might even do a chapter with Billy in it so uh- yea.
Lovely idea by : Schwarzeneggerswife
TW: Heavy romance / kissing / biting / fluff/ cheesy asf
Your POV:

     You have been keeping Eddie on the down-low ever since you brought him back from the upside down. Occasionally you have to let him out into your backyard at night to hunt down an animal to keep his hunger at bay. Sometimes he even asks you to have some of your blood- you normally say yes but you don't let him latch on for long. Currently you're picking out leaves and gunk from his hair after you just brought him back in from hunting an animal,

"Why do you get all this gunk in your hair while you're hunting? Don't you have super speed or
something to prevent this?" You ask pulling some leaves from his chocolate curls,

"Well you would think- but now being half 'demobat' or what you call a 'vampire'. You don't really get super speed sweatheart." He cooed the last bit looking at you once you finished taking the stuff out of his hair,

"Well c'mere I gotta clean the blood off your face." You said grabbing a towel and wetting it before scooting closer to Eddie so you could get the blood off. You could hear him give a low chuckle before grabbing your waist and lifting you up, then placing you down on his lap.

     Making you even closer to Eddie. This didn't really bother you because he was your boyfriend after all. So you have sat on his lap before- granted he wasn't a vampire then... you snapped out of your thoughts and continued to clean the blood. Soon enough you got all the blood off giving a pleasing hum. You turned your body slightly to set the towel down and he grabbed your face gently and turned your head to face his,

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are..?" He mumbled looking into your eyes. Your e/c irises meeting with brown ones that had a bright hint of red in them. Resembling his vampiric nature,

"That was very cheesy Munson" you teased resting your arms around his neck chuckling. You could see him smirk,

"It was wasn't it?" He started to laugh,

"Yea man I thought you were reading a poem to me" you teased once more giggling,

"Ok then, how bout I show you how beautiful you are..?" He looked to your lips, licking his own as his fangs would slightly show. You rolled your eyes and pulled him into a kiss by his neck. His eyes had widened for a split second before melting into the kiss and you were already tugging at his scalp slightly. You felt his hands slowly roam your body giving little squeezes and rubs on the insecurities of your body.

     You then felt his tongue swipe your bottom lip asking for entry. You smirked slightly and denied him access. You could feel him chuckle before bringing his hand to your throat and giving a light squeeze making you gasp and for him to shove his tongue into your mouth. Soon air was needed and you two parted. He smiled looking at you, there was only love for you in his eyes. Then the moment was cut short when his grip on you tightened slightly,

"Shit... sweetheart can I uhm-" You could feel his eyes on your neck. You thought it was sweet as he was holding himself back for you until you gave him permission to bite you or not. You did however hesitate, but you trusted him so you have a slow nod,

"Yea but remember the rules ok..?" You asked. He nodded fast,

"Yes darling I know the rules. Just tap me and I'll stop ok?" He smiled placing a hand on your cheek. You smiled and moved your hair out of the way. He leaned closer to your neck, slowly inhaling before once again biting down. It didn't really hurt anymore- instead you always felt a large wave a pleasure and a couple moans escaped your mouth.

     He would always let out a couple growls while he drank your blood. You could even feel it slowly drip down your shoulder.  Soon though you started to feel dizzy so you tapped his shoulder and he pulled his fangs out of your skin. Then taking his tongue and licking the blood off your shoulder that escaped the bite wound. Then he slowly licked the bite mark to sooth any pain that he may of caused,

"Feel better...?" You asked feeling drained slightly,

"Yes sweetheart. Cmon let's get showered up and hit the sack alright?" He picked you up bridal style and walked to the bathroom,

"Will you be alright to shower alone..?" He asked as you gained your senses,

"Yes love, I'll be alright." You smiled to him reassuringly. He gave a nod,

"I'll be right outside the door if you need help alright? Just yell for me." He went outside the door and waited patiently. You closed the door  and stripped off your clothes and hopped in the shower.... A couple minutes pass and you finish up, throwing on a towel to cover up your personal areas. You knocked on the door and you heard him shuffle around. You opened the door and you could see him look you up and down before smirking slightly,

"Hey there sweetheart~" he purred walking to you, you giggled pressing a finger on his chest,

"Slow down there Munson. I'm off limits til I'm not all dizzy from your little scene down there" you smirked and he put his hands up in defense,

"Alright sweetheart you win, you win" he chuckled walking into the bathroom. Leaving you to walk to your room and get into your pajamas. Soon enough Eddie was done came into your room and slowly walked up to you looking you up and down before licking lips and placing his hands on your hips pulling you close to his body.
He'd lean down and gently kiss your lips. Your lips moved in sync. You could hear him growl slightly as he ran his hands along your body. He pulled away and his mood entirely changed,

"What's wrong..?" You asked looking into his eyes,

"Am I.. .. a monster to you..?" He quietly asked. Granted it was very random- but.. you had to asume he had been battling this question. You could see the uneasiness and insecurity in his eyes. You softly sigh placing a hand on his cheek and rubbing it with your thumb gently,

"You may be a vampire now.. and a vampire is a monster.. but guess what?" You ask softly. His eyes looked into yours with a hint of curiosity,

"You are my monster.." you smiled and you could see his face light up and he picked you up and tossed you onto the bed. Before crawling in beside you and hugging you close to him and humming softly. You smiled feeling safe in his arms and looked up to him. He turned his head looking down at you,

"I love you Munson.." you mumbled snuggling closer to his body, taking in his scent. You felt him relax as you hugged his torso, resting your head on his chest. While also drawing small circles on his back. You heard him shakily sigh and hug you a little tighter,

"I love you too.." you could hear him sniffle as he buried his face in your neck. You started to play with his hair softly massaging his scalp to calm him down,

"No matter what Edds... I don't care if your a vampire or not. I still love you and always will.." you mumbled kissing his shoulder gently,

"I just.. I don't understand how I got so lucky." You felt him smile through his soft crying. You pulled away and wiped his tears before leaning in and kissing his lips. You felt him kiss back instantly and swipe his tongue against your bottom lip. You gave him access and his tongue explored your mouth. Things started to get more heated as his hands slid up your top. You smiled and he got on top of you huffing,

"I think you deserve to be shown how much I love you as well y/l/n" he smirked.. your face turned red. Oh boy. You were in for a ride...(the rest is up to your imagination)
Word count.  : 1418

YAY!! i FINISHED ANOTHER CHAPTERRR!!! Ok now y'all know the drill I need ideas people 👏. Also!! When I stated the chapter name in the story. Im pretty sure that idea belongs to TheIntrovertedFairyx So please go support their amazing story as well! I love it!! Now I'm thinking abt a Billy chapter too. Any ideas for that? Alright! Til next time!
Hornet out!

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