KAS!Eddie x Reader : I'll never leave your side

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You know the KAS theory? Basically that. For those who don't know kas basically is a vampire but in dnd. Btw Dustin is ur younger brother in this.
TW: depression. 
Fluff/slight angst/romance
Your POV:

     You couldn't believe what Dustin had just told you,

"What do you mean he's DEAD?!" You yelled, tears threatening to fall.. you have been dating Eddie for a while now and hearing that he died didn't sit right,

"Y/n he died in my arms! I'm telling the truth!" Dustin shouted back,

"Why didn't you atleast bring his body back or ask for some help!?" You shouted,

"You just left his body to rot there?!" You yelled again,

"Y/n you know I wouldn't do that ever on intention- I had no choice! I broke my leg and we had to leave!" Dustin yelled frustrated. You didn't say anything else as you ran off to your room and slammed your door. You crawled under your covers and tried to go to sleep.. this was all just a bad dream.. it had to be......


     But when the next morning came, you soon realized it wasn't a dream. You felt tears streaming down your cheeks as you cried into your hands. You wanted to feel him hug you and tell you it's alright, to soothe you and tell you that he'll always be here for you.. but you can't change the past. You even didn't go to school that day, or the day after... you needed some time to clear your head. During all this the gang tried to reach you, even Dustin tried, but you just couldn't speak to anyone. Not without breaking down and sobbing profusely..

-time skip-

     You managed to be able to at-least go back to school, granted you don't feel any better. You feel lost in your head, And you noticeably zone out all the time. Dustin noticed these things before anyone else and talked to you about it on your way to the cafeteria for lunch,

"Y/n what's going on.. you barely eat anything now a days and, you've grown so.. cold almost" Dustin grabbed your hand and looked at you,

"I'm fine Dustin.. thanks for the concern"

"See that's what I mean! You got so cold all of a sudden- is it what happened with Edd-" you cut him off by placing your hands on his shoulders stopping him from walking any further,

"Dustin just stop prying .. please..? You know I love you, you're my brother I know you're worried but I'm fine.." you let go of his shoulders and kept walking to the cafeteria. You soon got your food and sat at the Hellfire Club table and just stared out the window thinking, while the others chatted away,

"Y/n? You ok?" Mike tapped your arm knocking you out of my thoughts,

"Mhm, I'm alright.." you patted his hand and looked back outside,

"You know Eddie would want you to be happy right? He wouldn't want to see you like this, all upset and moping around-" you cut him off

"Mike I understand that but, I loved him. And I still do.. even if he's dead." You sighed, before mike could say anything else the bell rang and you all went to our last couple periods..

-time skip brought to you by Eddie's guitar lessons-

     By the time school was over something changed, after what mike said got you thinking,

"I have to go look for him.." you mumbled while you drove Dustin and Yourself home,

"Did you say something y/n?" Dustin asked,

"Huh? Oh no sorry I was thinking out loud," you reassured him. Some time passed and you both got home. You got out of the car and went inside packing some items you guys took when you all went to try and defeat Vecna,

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